8 Sure Tips for Failing Actors to Survive and Win Out

By on 12:28:00 PM
I wanna be a Bollywood Star
I wanna be a Bollywood Star!

There are many reasons why young people dream to be a star like Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan, Ranbir Kapoor, Katrina Kaif, Priyanka Chopra or Deepika Padukone. Let�s not go into the reasons.  However regretfully, the fact is they have no knowledge of this ruthless industry and what goes behind being a star or even how to become just an actor and survive in Mumbai.
The result is catastrophic. After a few years when their eyes open, they witness their shattered dreams, bankruptcy burdened with huge debts due to incurring staggering fees of acting schools, fraudsters and cheats who promise a break in films, portfolio, show reel, registration fees with coordinators and pseudo casting directors, living expenses and transportation costs in Mumbai and many other hidden costs.
Then what should they do? Quit and go back home with their head down?
Because it's not just about how talented they are. It's about how organized they are, and whether they can run their life as a business.
Here are my top 8 survival tips for those first few years in the real cine world, be it Bollywood, TV Serials, Commercial Ads or Modelling! ... And for quite a few years afterwards actually.

1. �You� Are the Best 

Frustrated? Though getting roles, but nowhere near what your dreams are?
Wait! Remember you are unique. It's important to go into each and every audition or interview and show them who you are, not what you think they want you to be. Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is "You".

2. Don't Wait for Your coordinator to Ring you 

Many of you they then sit around and just wait for the telephone to ring. In no time they are blaming their coordinator or agent for their lack of work.
The solution is to work better with your coordinator or agent. Chase them again and again for work, and find out what is going on. Ask your coordinator what more you can do  to help them to get you work or auditions. Having invested so much in your training, portfolio, monologues, show reel, to name a few of your expenses, why would you put all chances of success into someone else's hands? And remember: finally it depends on you, and your tireless efforts which will get you a true break! Coordinators are just facilitators. They can�t replace you

3. Take Up A Part Time Job 

Life in Mumbai for aspiring actors is tough, mentally and financially
Even if you are supposed to be �successful�, you won't spend 100% of your time working.. Think about what job you can do alongside acting. From call centers to restaurant work, and promotional work or other customer relationship roles - some in Mumbai even specifically wants actors. I recommend even to work part time in reputed production houses like Asstt. Director or Production Asstt. or if you have a good communication skills, may be a part time acting teacher in an acting school. Something that you can go back to with a reasonably regular income, that allows you time off for auditions. And of course, something that uses some of your acting skills will give you more job satisfaction.
(This tip is irrelevant for those whose parents are rich and sending at least Rs 40,000 a month to them)

4. Don't Blame Fate or Luck; Be Organized 

Analyze and know your strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities. If you don�t know how to identify, ask your acting coach. Once you know your �SWOT� then-
Set your goal- career and finances
What you want to be in, let's say in 5 years from now?
Then break it down year wise till 5 years; In 4th, 3rd, 2nd and this year. Finally, narrowing it down to weekly and daily.
Not only do you have to keep a diary to know what it is that you want to do. What does success look like? Playing the lead in a Bollywood film is a good dream to have, but is it a relevant, attainable objective for your first year out of acting school? Set yourself some smart objectives. Let your objectives be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and properly. For example, scheduling your daily activities on improving your acting craft-body and mind; body building and voice improvement exercises, observation, focus and concentration exercises, meeting industry people, coordinators etc. That way at the end of the year, having achieved your small daily, weekly and monthly objectives, you will have a rightful feeling of success that will carry you forward.

5. Just One Thing a Day

Don't spend your whole time being multitasked and mooching around being depressed because you're out of work. Do one thing each day that might help you to get work and then get on with living your life.  Casting directors choose "confidence"; they don't buy desperation and depression. Working actors don't need to act each day, but they should remember, never and never waste your time doing anything which is NOT relevant to acting. For example chatting on Facebook! This is a deadly enemy for aspiring actors!

6. Develop Resilience (The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties)

Even if you are successful, an awful lot of people will still say no to you in your career. Don't take it personally. In most cases, it's not because you're bad, it's because you're not right for the role in their eyes. After each rejection, take stock and move on quickly.

7. Building up Relationship (Network) 

Quite often when you've been on the TV serials or films, more work follows as people are reminded of your existence. If you're not working, then this can be hard to achieve. Get out there with your actors tribe. Develop friendship and contacts with other actors, crew on the sets, ADs, Cameramen, Makeup artists. Got to hang out joints of coffee shops, theater shows etc. and find out what�s going on.

8. When To Give Up 

We all change with age and what might be a burning passion at 22 can weigh us down and destroy our dignity and self-esteem by 30. We fall in love, have families and priorities change. Acting is a hard job if you're the breadwinner. As per survey by actors association Mumbai, only 5% of actors earn more than Rs 30,000 a month, and there might come a time when that's just not enough. So okay, well, you tried your best, much better having done it than lived a life of regret.

In my opinion, you should give a maximum of 5 years for your business of acting to succeed or perhaps till you are financially managing yourself or your family (If married) reasonably well without borrowing money from any source, including your parents.

Perhaps God has thought of some other destiny for you, a better and a happier one: there is no shame in moving on. Just quit and be proud of being �on the move�
Inspired by Source

Why to Learn from Hollywood 10 Top Actors and 90 Films

By on 6:23:00 AM
Top 10 Hollywood actors to follow
Top 10 Hollywood actors to follow
From left to right
Al Pacino, Anthony Hopkins, Daniel Day-Lewis, Denzel Washington, Dustin Hoffman, Jack Nicholson, Marlon Brando, Paul Newman, Robert De Niro, Tom Hanks

I once had a top casting director friend of mine told me that there are no bad actors, just actors who aren't willing to "fully commit" themselves to their craft.
In India Bollywood industry, channels and TV serial industry is full of average actors who are surviving due to many other reasons and there aren�t any acting techniques you can learn from them. Contrarily, you can learn a lot from many legendary Hollywood stars and also from Hollywood classic films.

Please remember, the origin and development of acting is western theater, lots of Bollywood films are based on Hollywood films and many of the top Bollywood stars have learnt the acting craft from legendary western stars and films.

Why these are good platforms to learn for an aspiring actor in India?

They don�t act� they are. �Character� actors (I don�t mean performing an elderly role), on the other hand, can perform and become someone other than themselves. So many examples of this genre; Elizabeth Taylor, John Wayne, Spencer Tracy, etc.�. I love Daniel Day-Lewis because he�s a great actor and I don�t watch him but his performance.

Top 10 Greatest Actors of All Time 

I strongly recommend Indian actors to see their films, watch them carefully and analyze. They always spend days, months, day and night to be in a �Character� and behave the same even in their normal life till they have totally transformed into that �Character�
The actors on this list are ranked according to their acting abilities, their success, their versatility, and the difficulty of the roles they've played throughout their careers

  1. Jack Nicholson
  2. Marlon Brando
  3. Robert De Niro
  4. Al Pacino
  5. Daniel Day-Lewis
  6. Dustin Hoffman
  7. Tom Hanks
  8. Anthony Hopkins
  9. Paul Newman
  10. Denzel Washington

Why to follow the above legendary world stars?

Read their complete biography here

Top Hollywood films every aspiring Indian actor should watch and learn

Get them NOW!

1. Gone with the Wind

2. The Wizard of Oz

3. Casablanca

4. Roman Holiday

5. Breakfast at Tiffany"s

6. Of Mice and Men

7. Some Like it Hot

8. Citizen Kane

9. The Searchers

10. To Kill a Mockingbird

11. Damn Yankees

12. Meet Me in St. Louis

13. The Philadelphia Story

14. Philadelphia

15. Mr. Smith Comes to Washington

16. A Streetcar Called Desire

17. Rebel Without a Cause

18. The Apartment

19. Bonnie and Clyde

20. The Diary of Ann Frank

21. The Longest Day

22. Judgement at Nuremberg

23. Tora! Tora! Tora!

24. The English Patient

25. Saving Private Ryan

26. Red Headed Woman

27. Pretty Woman

28. Jaws

29. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

30. The Professionals

32. Unforgiven

33. The Wild Bunch

34. Titanic

35 The China Syndrome

36.One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

37. Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice

38. The Elephant Man

39. Dances with Wolves

40. Monster's Ball

41. Silence of the Lambs

42. Shawshank Redemption

43. The Green Mile

44. Mrs. Doubtfire

45. Goodfellas

46. Shane

47. The Godfather Parts 1 and 2

48. Look Who's Coming to Dinner

49. Million Dollar Baby

50. On Golden Pond

51. The Road West

52. How the West was Won

53.Winchester '73

54. It's a Wonderful Life

55. Psycho

56. The Birds

57. Glory

58. Mommie Dearest

59. Emma

60. Young Frankenstein

61. Sleepless in Seattle

62. When Harry Met Sally

63. The Graduate

64. American Graffitti

65. Field of Dreams

66.The Sound of Music

67. The Music Man

68. Grease

69. Chicago

70. Dr. Zhivago

71. Oklahoma

72. My Fair Lady

73. The Man Without a Face

74. As Good as it Gets


76. Sling Blade

77. Love Stoy

78. Dead Man Walking

79. Dirty Harry

80.. The Millionairess

81. The Wrong Man

82. The People vs. Larry Flynt

83. Air Force One

84. Moonstruck

85. Taps

86. Patton

87. American Beauty

88. Lady with Red Hair

89. The Oxbow Incident

90.Kramer vs. Kramer

Why World's Star Celebrities Preferred Acting Coach?

By on 8:26:00 AM

World's entertainment celebrities

Based on inspiring observations by world's entertainment celebrities from left to right: 1. Beth Henley, 2. Dawn Olivieri, 3. Ernie Hudson,  4. Hill Harper,  5. Jake Busey, 6. Lance Gross, 7. Wendi McLendon-Covey and others Source

1. 'With an acting coach, you're trained to express yourself as much as you can.'

2. 'When I finally decided that my only hope was to go to an acting school, I decided against it, looking at the poor quality of actors and a lack of marketing experience. I joined an acting coach and once'

3. 'I walked on auditions and set, I just knew I was home.'

4. 'In an acting coaching session, the coach talks about how the 'given circumstances' of a situation help define a character.'

5. 'What I loved about the coaching by an expert acting coach was that you got to think all day long about a 'person' from the script that wasn't you, and figure out why they were sad, what they wanted and what they dreamed.'

6. 'As an actor I don't my mind to be idle, so I spend weekends with my acting coach.'

7. 'If you want to play better roles, spend more time in a coaching session with an acting coach than you do in hangouts, social media chats, what's app and in the gym, and you'll have the career you want.'

8. 'I took theatre and stuff in college, then I took a bunch of different acting classes schools here in Mumbai. Sometimes when I have a hard audition, I'll call my acting coach and he'll come help me. It's actually a really great way to get over your nerves.'

9. 'If you're not in someone's face, the audience is not going to remember you. So get yourself back into an acting class; get a coach. The coach trains those things you did when you were in the teens and wanted it so bad.'

10. What you learn in any acting coaching session is how to make a fool of yourself and enjoy things and get out of your head.

11. 'In an acting school, I was a neglect and I hated that. I quit. Later, I fell in love in love with my coach.'

12. 'I always wanted to be an actor, but with a speech impediment it's kind of tough. I decided to roll the dice and take an acting class, which was very, very nerve-wracking... My stomach would just be in knots. I left and joined a coach though an acting coach is a rare breed in India. 3 years of struggle and now I enjoy camera  lights aaaannnd action!'

13. 'In acting school, I had an opportunity to hide in the corner and pray the teacher wouldn't call on me to play a scene. With a coach it was only me and couldn't escape. Just had to listen and act!'

14. 'I really started dreaming... And broke out of my shyness when I got to acting coaching sessions in Mumbai. My first coaching class was a prayer followed by a funny way working on your body parts. I just laughed when I couldn't move my scalp or eyebrows. It really broke me out of my shell, encouraged me to follow my dreams and make them a reality.'

15. 'What's beautiful about the actual acting coaching environment is that you can use it to push through everything: push your voice, push your inhibitions, push your fears, push your confidence, push your vulnerability, push your silences.'

My 7 Secret Audition Tricks for Actors and Videos

By on 8:57:00 AM

My Secret Audition Tips and Tricks for Aspiring Actors

Here is my small stuff on an audition for Bollywood and TV serials. Perhaps you may never have thought about. But it may make a huge difference.
Over the years as an actor, I've made mistakes. But every time, I learned something new. So, try to learn from my mistakes and not yours. You can�t afford that in today�s cut throat competition

1. When You Arrive

Bring something to do. Do a crossword or read a book. Anything that occupies your full attention.
Why, you ask? Because you're usually stuck in a room with other actors who are there to audition, just like you. One of them is going to start a conversation. Either because they're nervous, or they want to make you nervous!
Though I always encourage networking with other actors because it's a great way to find work. But at an audition, be in yourself and stay focused.
Also, reading a book will prevent you from pacing the hallways and reciting your lines. Don't do that either. It will only serve to make you nervous.
Now if you don't know your lines by now...

2. How to Memorize Lines When You Have Only10 minutes

  • Read all your lines together 3 times.
  • Find out the objective. What lines are trying to say?
  • What is the objective of your character?
  • How the this character is trying to achieve his / her objective
  • What is the character's profile-physical, mental and social?
  • Start imaging yourself as this character
  • Read line 1 four times
  • Speak line 1 without looking at the line
  • Do the same for line 2
  • Add line 1 and 2 speak in the same fashion as above
  • Do the same for all your lines
  • Breathe deeply and relax
  • Now be the character and speak again
  • You are done.
  • Smile, you are going to have fun!

3. Create Stunning First Impressions

When you walk in the room, be confident. As per medical science, the human brain makes over 27 judgments about another person within seconds of meeting them. These judgements are based on your posture, body language, voice tone, breathing rate, eye contact, etc. So, take care of your acting instrument when you walk in.
(Take training on how to keep your acting instrument in top gear!)
Make a bad first impression, and everything you do thereafter goes down the drain.
Don�t try a forced smile. You'll smile and they'll think you're afraid and nervous.
If you make a good first impression, you'll smile and they'll think you're relaxed and confident.

4. The People Behind the Desk

The Judges (Auditors). The folks behind the desk, in the dark, eating their sandwiches, drinking their coffee, smoking their cigarettes, and taking their notes. All the while, you think, ignoring you.
No, don�t think that way! You are not their mercy for two minutes. Now you walk in and think the exact opposite. They're at my mercy for two minutes. I can make 'em laugh, cry, or at least yawn. Whatever the case, I'll be having fun.
A little known audition tip: Think of them as potential business partners. Equals. You're selling, and they're buying. Treat them with respect and courtesy, and they'll do the same.

5. The Audition Room and the Space

Typically it�s in a theatre or a studio space or just any room.
Wherever it is, there's usually an �X� on the floor, done with tape or chalk. Find it and go stand there. That's called a mark. (X marks the spot.)
But don't stay rooted to that X. Remember, the space is yours for two whole minutes. So feel free to move around. But keep a track of the camera and its limitations of the width and its movements.

6. The Slate

After you hit your X, tell them who you are. This is called slating. There's the good slate, and the bad slate.
The Bad Slate: "Hello, my name is so-and-so, and I�m from so and so place, born on�, studied at so and so, and you go on. Boring! Imagine how many times a day the auditors must hear that. It'll go in one ear and right out the other.
The Good Slate: "Good evening, I'm so-and-so, my contact no is so and so�.
(If asked) �I�m going to give a dramatic monologue or a comedic monologue�. Now they're listening! (Just remember to keep it simple.)
Give your profile: 1. Stand on your x mark. 2. Turn your full body to your left. 3. Then turn your body to right.

7. Where to Look?

In my opinion, either below, slightly left or right the camera lens or the best is to ask them.
The Time Limit
If you prepared a monologue (usually) get two minutes starting from your first line. And two minutes is plenty. (In fact, the auditors will have made their decision in about 30 seconds.)
So as to be respectful of everyone's time, cut down your monologue. Rehearse with a stopwatch to measure how long it is. Then when you get to the audition, you won't be rushed.
And if they stop you (cut you off), don't take it personally. It doesn't mean you're bad, it means they're running late.

Top Star Anushka Sharma shares her secret, who unfortunately failed in an audition. 
 Shows a video in which the actress is seen auditioning for the role played by Kareena Kapoor in the film 3 Idiots. This was out when she was selected for the film "PK"

Though in my opinion, it was a good performance

Here are some of the examples of auditions in Hindi by aspiring actors.

(In my opinion, these are good, but not outstanding)

1. Audition by Bishnu Shaw is a comedic one. Remember, comedy is always difficult.
2. Karan Wahi, now is an established TV anchor and actor
3. Additi Gupta now an actor in Seeya Audition video

For Top Professional Coaching and Auditions 

7 Beginners Tips to be a Great Bollywood Actor

By on 9:09:00 AM
 Daniel Radcliffe as Arthur Kipps, a young lawyer The Woman in Black
Transforming beautifully into a character! Daniel Radcliffe as Arthur Kipps, a young lawyer in 'The Woman in Black'

Acting, as I have understood to be an actor, a filmmaker and as an acting coach has been making myself free for a while and become somebody who I will never be. It is like living an alternate life for a brief period of time. It is an opportunity to win over all my inhibitions, imposed by society, religion, customs and release myself from them.

Here are Undisclosed Tips for Beginners

1. Empty your mind

If your mind is empty, it is always ready for anything, it is open to everything. In the beginner's mind there are many constraints, wandering mind, possibilities, but in the expert actor�s mind there are none or few.
As the Zen masters say, if you try to fill a cup, which is already full, it will spill all over. To fill something new in a cup, first it must be emptied.
Therefore, before a script and your character analysis, remove everything which is in your mind. Remove clutter and move with creating a new life (of your character)

How to achieve this?
Practice relaxation techniques, including Yoga, self-hypnotism and auto suggestion
(If you don�t know how to do it, join our one on one coaching)

2. The fear of the camera, people and forgetting your lines

How to deal?
To deal with it and forget it: Concentrate on your role and think about nothing else. Learn to enjoy the location, crew, co actors, lights, set, spotlights on the set and just do what you need to do! The fact is-with your every performance you will get better at handling it. A little fright will always remain which is good and will keep you alert on a shoot.

3. Beware of Overacting or Faking Acting

Warning! What separates good actors from bad ones is their sincerity of emotion and belief in front of a camera. The audience can spot a phony actor right away! Good acting is not over acting or mechanically saying lines. Words flow, when real emotions bring them out of memory or imagination and it's not the other way round. Feel the emotion by identifying what triggers an emotion; connect with it, embrace it and words will then flow naturally.
An exception: to this rule is a �Star� who can fake it so beautifully that to an audience, it looks real. The other truth in this case is that the actor playing a character is audience favorite �Star� and that�s all matters to them

4. Belief and Creative Imagination for Acting

The acting is living a different life, as I said before. It is 'creating truth in an imaginary scene'. The audience is only going to believe that you are the person you are playing to be, if you yourself believe that you are that person!
The actor must use his imagination to be able to answer all questions (when, where, why, how)
How to do it?
Learn the art of Observing:  watch carefully people of different attitudes, note the details, let your imagination run wild, and create a small story with dialogs and practice it. This way your imagination will improve considerably to help you to transform into a character you intend playing

"The actor has to develop his body. The actor has to work on his voice. But the most important thing the actor has to work on is his mind." - Stella Adler

5. Why to Repeatedly Read the Script?

To get to the soul of the story!
Read the script thoroughly. Then, read it yet again. Keep reading till you get to the soul of the story. Understand the script first and think about what the storywriter has tried to say through the script. This a view from the outside. Then again read the story from the angle of the role you are playing.
Don�t hesitate! Ask the director what exactly you feel about the story and clarify your doubts. This is very important, as you need to understand the people, the surroundings, the time of the story and its message.

The Process
A. The father-the author of the story or screenplay or script
B. The mother-that�s you (actor) who is pregnant with the role inside
C. The child-the role to be born.
And finally
D. The doctor- director who helps in role (child) birth

6. Lose Yourself in the Role but Stay Aware

On a character level you must become that �character� and get involved, but your awareness as an actor should also be there, all the time, while performing. What I mean here is being aware of the limitations on a set, camera �position, shots, angles, width and length, blocking; lights, props and their uses, where the co actors are and listening to them and reacting.
You got to have a �switch on off� mechanism in your acting instrument (mind and body) which puts instantly into a �character� or an �actor� mode

7. Why to Enjoy Acting in Films?

Last but not the least, to do it right, you must enjoy the process! A very important part is bonding with your co-actors and developing good chemistry on a set with everybody. A film is a team job and you need to be a team player. The success of a role or a film is directly proportional to how much the team enjoyed while preparing! Keep learning and always have the passion of a beginner's mind and you will never cease to progress.

11 Indian Universities for Top Acting Degree | Diploma

By on 4:19:00 AM
Acting courses in Indian Universities
Acting courses in Indian Universities

Entry to this overcrowded profession is extremely difficult. There are usually no minimum educational qualifications for becoming an actor.
Admission to premier schools of drama and acting is open only to graduates with very few exceptions.

Can Training in These Schools Help in Getting Acting Jobs?

While private acting schools run by reputed production houses like whistling woods, Barry John Acting Studio, Mumbai or by individual professional coaches who may be better, in terms of practical training and camera acting, Degree/Diploma/Certificate course in acting are conducted at some of the premier training institutions as well as University Departments of Arts/Dramatic Arts/ Allied departments.
However, since acting is involved with so many acts of our society, a formal education in acting craft helps one to be better prepared for the auditions and other challenges of the profession.

Government run or approved Universities and colleges 

My Pick

1.  Dr. Ambedkar  Marathwada University, Aurangabad � 431 004. (Bachelor�s degree in Drama)
Web site

2.  Faculty of Fine Art, Rabindra Bharati University, Kolkata � 700 050 (BA and MA course in Drama)
Web site

3.  University of Rajasthan, Gandhi Nagar, Jaipur � 302004. (PG Diploma and BFA in Dramatics)
Web site

4.  Sambalpur University, Jyoti Vihar, Burla, Sambalpur � 768019. (Master in performing arts-Drama)
Web site

5.  Faculty of Performing Arts, M.S University of Baroda, Vadodara � 390002. (BPA in Dramatics)
Web site

6.  Pondicherry University, Kalapet, Pondicherry � 605014. (MPA)
Web site

7.  Bhartendu Natya Academy of Dramatic Arts (BNADA), Lucknow (Dip. In Acting)
Contact Information
Bhartendu Bhawan, Vikas Khand �1 Gomti Nagar Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 226010?
Phone: 0522 239 8466

8.  Department of Fine Arts Punjabi University, Patiala,Punjab. (Master of Theater and Television)
Pin -147002; Phone: 0175-304-6198

9.  Andhra University, Waltair (Certificate course in Acting)

10.  Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute, Kolkata
Details on acting courses could not be found by us.
Contact them: Phone: 033-24328355
Check on the website: http://srfti.ac.in/

11.  Film & TV Institute of Tamil Nadu, Chennai � 600113
Certificate course in acting
Web site

Some reputed and recognized Private Institutions

My Pick
1. National School of Drama, Bahawalpur House, Bhagwandas Road, New Delhi 110044 (3- year Diploma in Dramatic Arts)
* Fully financed by the Ministry of Culture, Government of India

Eligibility for NSD: Graduate, participated in at least 10 productions, working knowledge of Hindi & English. Age is 18-30 years. Selection will be through a preliminary test followed by a workshop in NSD premises.
2.  Film and Television Institute of India, Law College Road, Pune � 411004.

3. Asian Academy of Film & Television, Marwah Studios Complex, FC-14/15, Film City, Sector � 16A, NOIDA � 201301.