7 Things to Do to Be a Super-Star Which Most Don�t Do

By on 9:08:00 PM

Super Star Ranbir Kapoor with award
Super Star Ranbir Kapoor with award

The super-star and achievers amaze the normal actors and people in every way possible. They have the same 24 hours per day that an average actor has, but they manage to use those hours much more effectively.
Oftentimes, they not only are successful in one particular genre (like comedy, action, drama, love and conflict) but develop incredibly well in most of the types of a genre. Also, be it mental and physical health, relationships and social life or career, these individuals manage them all in an exceptionally good way.
Now, to avoid creating a picture of a perfect human in your mind, these people tend to fail as well. In reality, they fail a lot. However, what separates them from the actor crowd is embracing the learning process and taking notes from every failure.
I have identified after a thorough research and biography eight things they regularly do, which all have a tremendous impact on their stardom

1. They work out daily (yes, daily).

They have a top body and an excellent fitness level.
Don�t get me wrong, they don�t complete a hardcore physical or mental training session every single day. It can just as well be stretching, low-impact cardio or yoga. The key message to you here is not the way of exercising, but the fact that top stars and performers realize the importance of treating their bodies like a temple.
Whereas typical people tend to take care of their physical health intermittently, Super-Stars set it as one of their highest priorities.

2. They schedule their days wisely and strategically.

I�m sure you already know that �to-do lists� are unbelievably helpful. If this strategy would work well, the majority of actors would achieve their dreams. In reality, however, almost 60% never make it and remain actors with a tag of �Strugglers�.
One of the most crucial lessons to stardom is to find out and to ask you a very important question; namely, what�s the one thing I can do well, focus on that and everything else will be either easier or unnecessary?
Once you determine that very thing, you�ll already be ahead of the majority of wannabe Bollywood Actor freaks.
What you need to do is realize and then apply the difference between being effective and being efficient. Whereas plenty of actors want to be more efficient, which means doing things the right way (for example-proper training, good portfolio, monologues, memorizing technique, visiting production houses, registering with good coordinators, audition techniques, running around 10 hours a day, etc.),  intelligent �would be Super-Stars�  focus on being effective, also known as doing what is the right thing for them which they can do better than many.

3. They plan a daily session for learning.

The process of becoming a Super-Star  is a long journey. Some people claim it to be �luck�, but in reality, it�s earned through constant attempts of getting better after each failure. You can�t just sit down and expect to experience a sudden stroke of genius.
What you can do, however, is learning something new every single day.
Just ask to you every morning, �What's new I�m going to learn today?�
When asked about their habits like reading and inquisitiveness habits, almost 90% of successful actors said they read on a daily basis research on the internet for their answers. Reading and researching on the internet is one of the simplest ways to improve.

4. They separate themselves from the negative energy.

If you surround yourself with negative people who waste their time and complain and criticizing everything a lot, there�s no way you�ll ever become a  Super-Star
When your goal is to become a Bollywood or TV serial Super-Star, the best source of inspiration and motivation to keep a company of like-minded individuals who also believe in the journey of self-improvement.

5. They leave their comfort zone, day after day.

If there�s one thing I�m sure of, it�s that successful actors aren�t afraid of being uncomfortable in order to achieve long-term success. Instead of choosing shortcuts and an instant success, they believe and are ready to difficult things like different roles, genre, odd timings, action, singing, dancing, rejections and criticism, financial instability etc.
The reason is simple that amazing things happen like more opportunities if step out of your comfort zone
Great things never come from day dreaming or laying on the bed in your room and drinking beer with favorite snack. They happen once you decide to take action and challenge yourself on a daily basis.

6. They use proper technology and systems.

Instead of relying purely on their motivation and determination levels, successful actors depend on the right technology and systems, which help to self-regularizing their daily routines.
The vast majority of aspiring actors  can�t or don�t use the technology in their favor. Wrong activities on social media like chatting, posting photos for getting �likes�, mobile games or pointless news apps distract them day after day. On the opposite side, though, are intelligent actors who use technology to make their lives easier.
Applications and software help them to manage their time, cut off distractions, get more done and have a better overview of their progress.
Here are some of the examples of useful apps:  Evernote, Todoist, Sunrise, BufferApp, Clean Master (Web, Android) to name a few
The above list will help you to get started (remember, the key isn�t to get them all, but to adopt the ones that work for you).

7. They say no consistently.

Being able to say no at the right moment is a skill which can guarantee your success and happiness. It�s not easy to learn, but it�s absolutely possible. Saying no to one thing is actually saying yes to the other.
Say yes to exercise and diet and you will say no to bad body and health. This rule applies to every area of your life. Saying yes to being a successful actor means saying no to a lot of things, such as distractions and needless commitments.

Don't Quit on Repeated Failures | Mistakes and 6 Top Fix

By on 6:53:00 AM

Hrithik Roshan who corrected his mistakes to be a star
Hrithik Roshan committed many mistakes during struggling days, but
killed them and learned  to be a SUPER STAR 

An actor must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them!

Why the majority of aspiring actors fails to fulfill their dream to be successful and earn name, fame and desired money?

I bet everybody knows about the saying nobody is perfect.  Well, it�s true.  One way or the other at one time in your life you are bound to make minor and major mistakes.  As we get older in our pursuit to become a Bollywood or TV Serial and do not succeed, we find so many things in our past that we tend to regret. These actions tend to make us develop a sense of anger for certain people and worse, for ourselves. A mistake may seem to be a negative thing for you now. But it all depends on how you see things.  A mistake can be something you will regret for the rest of your life. A haunting memory you cannot erase.  But if we turn the tables around, you may find that some mistakes in your life can make you stronger and wiser.  There are lessons to be learned if you just allow these mistakes to teach them to you.

Perhaps, you made a mistake of:

  • Arguing unnecessary with a casting director or with a director while on a set
  • You are egoistic or an angry young man / woman who fights on smallest pretext
  • Not learning your character and lines properly for an audition or for a shoot
  • Getting carried away and paying large money to fraudsters promising you a break in the film/ TV serial
  • Not doing a proper research and joining an acting school paying 1 or 2 Lakhs
  • Give excuses for your failures
  • Giving loans to Co-actors and others without checking the credentials
  • Poor patience
  • Get depressed easily with rejections
  •  And many more�.

It's time to realize, just kill mistakes and learn to correct!

1. Nobody is perfect

Again, this line comes up, because it�s true. The fact of life comes to show that no one is infallible.  Everyone makes mistakes.  Knowing this you have to learn to forgive yourself.
That is the first step.

2. Past can�t be undone

What was done in the past cannot be undone. We cannot change our past.  But we can mold the future today.  There�s no point in crying over spilled milk.  Besides, what good would that do, right?  Stop thinking about it with regret. Instead, start listing down the things that led you to make that mistake.

3. Why not change your path?

Now that you�ve evaluated the problem and you�ve listed down the paths that led you to making that mistake, change your path. Don�t make the same mistake again.  The first time you made the mistake was unintentional, but if it happens again, you chose for it to happen.

4. Be smart

Learn the laws of cause and effect. That is why you did something and for what reason? There is something that caused that mistake to happen. Be smart enough to recognize it and avoid it. Know that although you are happy with whom you are and what you�ve become as a person, there is always room for improvement. A mistake makes you realize your weaknesses. Therefore you will know which skills and talents you will need to work on to improve so the mistake will not happen again.

5. Forgive

Hating yourself and others will not help you as a person.  It will only make you distrusting and paranoid.  If someone hurt you before, that doesn�t mean that everybody else will do the same thing.  Forgive the one who hurt you and trust that he or she will get what is due to them in time. Also, it is most important for you to forgive yourself. Everything happens for a reason.

6. The  attitude game

Keep a positive attitude.  Again, remember that everything happens for a reason.  Even though a mistake seems catastrophic to you now, some good will come out of it someday.  Just be sure to learn from your mistakes and you will find that the things you learn from them will make you a stronger and better and successful actor and person in the future.
Based on

An actor must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them.

Home Exercises for Actors to Look Hot and Win Auditions

By on 9:30:00 AM

Bollywood actress Bipasa Basu-a fitness freak
Bollywood actress Bipasa Basu-a fitness freak!

Wanna have a body like Hrithik Roshan, Salman Khan or hot like Katrina Kaif?

In an audition room, you need the foundation of a steady mind and a strong, flexible body, to support you and your performance every moment that you�re in the room.
Not everyone can afford to join a gym or afford to purchase multiple machines in a home gym or 100 kg of dumbbells! Many of you can�t invest thousands of Rupees to build their body�

So how do you get in a good workout without the fancy equipment?
Here is good news! You can get in a great workout right in the comfort of your own home by using your body weight or with affordable few light dumbbells.
Here are my workout plan which is almost FREE and if you follow seriously with a daily schedule of about 1 to 2 hours either in the early morning or in the evening whether you are staying alone or in sharing place with 3 or 4 partners

Great Home Work Outs



1. Lie on the floor face down and place your hands about 36 inches apart while holding your torso up at arm�s length.
2. Next, lower yourself downward until your chest almost touches the floor as you inhale.
3. Now breathe out and press your upper body back up to the starting position while squeezing your chest.
4. After a brief pause at the top contracted position, you can begin to lower yourself downward again for as many repetitions as needed.

If you are new at this exercise and do not have the strength to perform it, you can either bend your legs at the knees to take off resistance or perform the exercise against the wall instead of the floor.
For the most advanced lifters, you can place your feet at a high surface such as a bench in order to increase the resistance and to target the upper chest more.



1. Lie on the floor face down and body straight with your toes on the floor and the hands wider than shoulder width for a wide hand position and closer than shoulder width for a close hand position. Make sure you are holding your torso up at arm�s length.
2. Lower yourself until your chest almost touches the floor as you inhale.
3. Using your pectoral muscles, press your upper body back up to the starting position and squeeze your chest. Breathe out as you perform this step.
4. After a second pause at the contracted position, repeat the movement for the prescribed amount of repetitions.

1. If you are new at this exercise and do not have the strength to perform it, you can either bend your legs at the knees to take off resistance or perform the exercise against the wall instead of the floor.
2. For the most advanced lifters, you can place your feet on a high surface such as a bench in order to increase the resistance and to target the upper chest more.



1. Lie with your back flat on a bench and your legs extended in front of you off the end.
2. Place your hands either under your glutes (buttocks) with your palms down or by the sides holding onto the bench. This will be your starting position.
3. As you keep your legs extended, straight as possible with your knees slightly bent, but locked, raise your legs until they make a 90-degree angle with the floor. Exhale (breath out)  as you perform this portion of the movement and hold the contraction at the top for a second.
4. Now, as you inhale (breath in), slowly lower your legs back down to the starting position.

You can also perform this exercise on the floor on top of an exercise mat. You can also add weight by holding a dumbbell in between your feet as you get more advanced.



1. Lie with your back flat on the floor (or exercise mat) and your legs extended in front of you.
2. Now bend at the knees and place your outer thighs by the floor (or mat) as you make the soles of your feet touch each other.
3. Now try pushing both soles and bringing them up as near you as possible while you keep the outer thighs on the floor (or at least almost touching it). Tip: In this position your legs should create a diamond shape.
4. Now, cross your arms in front of you by touching the opposite shoulders. This will be your starting position.
5. As you exhale flatten your lower back to the floor while curling the torso upwards. Tip: This will be like performing the first 1/4 movement of a sit up. Hold at the top position for a second.
6. As you inhale, slowly lower back to the starting position.
7. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.



1. To begin, lie down with your back pressed against the floor or on an exercise mat (optional). Your arms should be fully extended to the sides with your palms facing down. Note: The arms should be stationary the entire time.
2. With a slight bend at the knees, lift your legs up so that your heels are about 6 inches off the ground. This is the starting position.
3. Now lift your left leg up to about a 45 degree angle while your right leg is lowered until the heel is about 2-3 inches from the ground.
4. Switch movements by raising your right leg up and lowering your left leg. Remember to breathe while performing this exercise.
5. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.


Bollywood actor skipping
Bollywood actor Farhan Akhtar skips for "Bhag Milkha Bhag"

This is a great cardio exercise and involves a great combination of the mind and body working together. You definitely won't be thinking of the day's frustrations once you start skipping. Ensure that your rope stands suitable for your height; on the rope's center and bring up each side of your shoulders. The right size would be if the rope handles come up till your underarms.
Start with half skips and graduate to double skips. Your target should be to complete at least 500 revolutions in 5 minutes. This will prime you for a great workout.

A must read related posts on building a HOT body and get selected in auditions

1. Top exercises
2. Physical Warm Ups
3. Tips on building great physique

Why New Actors Fail in TV Serials? 8 Killer Success Tips

By on 8:41:00 AM
A scene from popular TV Serial " Balika Vadhu"
A scene from popular TV Serial " Balika Vadhu"

The first time acting in TV serials could be a nightmare for many new actors! However, this statement should not taken as a deliberate attempt to make the life of new actors difficult, but could probably due to complex and nerve wracking  condition production, direction and others involved have to work. In spite of this, in majority of the cases, they always try to be nice and helpful once you are selected.

I have been the onset many a times as an actor and later as a personal coach, and have seen a lot of co-star enter set for the first time. It�s fascinating, sometimes scary, and actors need to know what to expect, how to behave while on location, and how they fit into the bigger puzzle of TV filming. There�s no rule book for this. It�s fast paced, chaotic, and that there are so many moving pieces on this chess board that make a TV film/show come to life.

Before we proceed further, actors new to TV should know the basic difference between a film and TV acting.

Acting for film

In most cases, film acting is much more detailed and subtle than television. Film casting directors frequently tell actors auditioning 'to do less'. Even emotionally charged scenes can be �smaller� when it comes to the performances. This is often where many coaches and casting directors say confusing things like �stop acting�, "don't exaggerate" and "don't act be natural".

Remember 'Less is better in a film'

It may be due to the fact that an actor (and the character  they�re portraying) have more time to gradually show their emotional  journey in a movie, as opposed to a thirty-minute or hour-long TV  serial or show.

Acting for TV

1. Know your lines quickly. Know them twice as well as you think you need to, because there will be so many other distractions to worry about when you start filming. You don�t want to be that actor holding up production and messing up your three lines while Kevin Spacey is staring at you on the set of �House of Cards.� The series regulars will all learn their lines after the blocking rehearsal, but as the guest actor, you are expected to be memorized the whole time, as you want to be seen as a total pro. That being said, be prepared for it all to change right before you shoot. Welcome to TV!

2. Be prepared to wait.  Longer and longer till you are called to your scene or a shot or it is just postponed for some other day.

3. No Rehearsals?  Usually there are no rehearsals before you are called for the final day and even on the D-day, who has the time? Invariably, after a considerable wait when you are in the front of the camera, you may hear the director or the script supervisors �Chalo, ek rehearsal kar letay hain�. So, be prepared with your magic preparation!

4.  Hit your marks. There are little pieces of tape on the floor, and the camera focus is set to those marks. If you overstep it, you are out of focus. Therefore, quickly practice your movements (blocking). Experienced TV actors know how to hit their marks without looking and say their lines simultaneously.

5.  Learn the terms. All on-camera actors should be well versed in camera angles, common onset terms, and shot setups. Here are some examples: �close up,� �over the shoulder,� �rolling,� �continuity,� �action� etc.

 6. Understand scenario and your status on location. You are a guest in the workplace, and many of the crew members are there 60�80 hours a week. Be professional, don�t complain, and be nice to everyone. It goes a long way.

7.  Don�t take pictures. This is an important one. Don�t take photos of the set and post on Facebook, and don�t try to sneak in an awkward selfie with crew member or one of the stars of the film/show. If you really want, the best is to seek permission from the director or executive producer. Be careful and maintain your status! 

8. Relax and have fun. As a matter of fact, this could be a point, no 1 rather being no 8. You observe tension and chaos all around. A never ending fast pace and hurry. Plus, you have great actors working opposite you, expensive costumes, real locations, and many people working hard to make you look good when it comes time to film your scene. Probably your lines may not be given on your arrival. A frightening worry, a fear creeps into you. You are tense; muscles stiff, mouth dry, sweat trickling on back and as you wait longer and longer for something to happen to clear the clouds.

The solution

The only solution is just to relax. You�re not going to die Using "instant relaxation techniques" and building an attitude of �come what may, "I�m best and gonna enjoy it� will really make you comfortable. Just take it all in and enjoy.

Get professionally trained to be a good TV actor

8 Sure Success Factors for Film and TV Serial Actors

By on 9:51:00 PM
4 new top successful actors
4 new successful actors who believe in success factors
Aditya Roy Kapoor, Nargis Fakhiri, Shraddha Kapoor, Arjun Kapur

Actor's successful tips from top actors

1. Find Joy and Fun

Once you have a script and your character details (character scenes and lines), enjoy creating the character's life with your imagination. Think yourself to be a 6 year old kid playing, pretending' x ' person, and when are happiest.

2. Learn, learn and learn

Till you die. In today's cut throat competition in Bollywood, TV serials and in commercial ads, you must develop your acting instrument IE body and mind continuously for ever. Better to have a long term acting coach, take classes through good schools, attend theater shows, join acting workshops periodically, attend yoga, gym and join martial arts classes and so on...

3. Don't worry about what a casting director thinks

Auditioning is like dating a girl or a boy. You spend so much time wondering what they�re thinking. They�re not thinking about anything! They�re not thinking about you, for sure. You cannot try to get the job (role). Just go in there, have some fun, and do your version of that part. Think in your mind-"this is what I�m selling. If you want to buy it, that�s cool. Want some adjustments from me? That�s fine, I�ll give you more options of portraying the character, but this is basically what I want to do". That should be your attitude, sort of a �to hell with it� attitude. Not ' to hell with YOU, but 'to hell with IT'
So, just do your best in an audition, go out to a restaurant and celebrate your performance.

4. Risk failure to learn and make new discoveries 

As actors, you become an expert at starting over again and again. Be it be an audition or a shot of your scene on camera. You might have been tense, forgotten your lines, sounding and playing 'flat' or it could be anything. Don't worry. Life doesn't end with few failures, but every time you fail, it gives you an opportunity for an introspective and an opportunity to improve by reworking on your skills.
It's like �Fail and then fail better!� 
Treat auditions like rehearsals

5. Setting and believing in your life goal

Do you really want to be an actor? Is this your life goal or just a hobby or just some other reason
If you have truthfully decided to be an actor to be the sole purpose of your existence, then believe it and follow it with a steely determination and till your last breath. Remember, if you are determined, all other things will fall into shape sooner or later. Permanence, perseverance and persistence in spite of all obstacles, discouragements, and impossibilities: It is this, that in all things distinguishes the strong soul from the weak.

6. Have faith in your director and express gratitude

You must work closely with a director�s vision and be thankful. Whenever you are appreciated for your performance say �When I create a character, I�m doing it with the director. I view it as the director�s creation more than as mine,�...  �And I give credit to the directors as well: If I give a good performance, I give at least 70 percent of the credit to the director.�
That�s just the way to work in a 'team' medium

7. Follow the other things you love

Like dancing, singing, sports, observing people, reading books, working for social causes, volunteering work etc to freshen and rejuvenate yourself.

8. Avoid desperation

Don't be a one of 'helpless mentality actors'. The thing to get rid of is that you are the beggar at the gate, that you are the powerless and helpless eager youngster wanting a break, a role even as a toilet sweeper in a film or a serial. At some point, you have to empower yourself and say �You know what, I�m good at this and can portray any character, whether a simple or the most complex one'.