Don't Frustrate Casting Directors and Ruin Career | Give 8 Things

By on 6:53:00 PM

Success audition tips for Bollywood
Success audition tips for Bollywood

Do You Know What Casting Directors Want From You?

Ever had an audition for a Bollywood film or a TV serial? If yes, then you knew you did pretty well? The one in which you were sure you nailed the role? All you had to do was wait for the call from the casting director confirming you have been selected.. But the call never came and you were left wondering what the heck went wrong?
I mean, you're a fantastic actor! Rather than leave you wondering what these crazy casting directors want, I had been consulting a few on-camera casting directors, took their opinion and based on my own experience as a character actor, here are the top things you MUST remember for your next on-camera audition!

1. Don't worry too much about remembering lines

No need to get tensed if you have not been able to memorize all your lines in that freaking short time! Casting directors don't care really much about that. What they expect is that you show the personality and behavior of the character. They know that the actor isn't going to be able to memorize the lines for an audition as he/she got the lines at the waiting room  may be 10 to 20 minutes back.

2. May ask questions -- but only relevant and if you really need to

Sometimes, good casting directors may ask  if you have any questions, it's only to help you get clarity if there's something in the script lines (sides) that's confusing. Very often the best auditions come from actors who just say 'no sir� and just perform
Don�t ask silly questions like �kya mujhe role milega? (Am I going to be selected)?� � Sir, aap se mujhe kab call mile ga? (When I will get a call from you�) or �I�m new and this is my first audition. Can you guide how should I do it?� etc.

3. Listen and react

"The camera loves to watch you listen." says a top cinematographer cum director. If at audition, there is a co-actor or a reader (some assistant) for the other character, you make the other person  important, even if the reader isn't giving you back much. Don't be blank when the other guy is speaking the lines. The casting directors like to see the actor listen, think and respond

4. Be the best right the first time

You're not coming to an on-camera audition to get coached by a teacher. Come prepared (know who your character is, what you want, etc.). The guys in charge of the audition should not think maybe next time. They should think that they just saw your best the first time you did it. Don't be a next time actor."

5. Offer options, if asked

This means, you must be prepared to offer the  options of portraying a character. Casting directors love an actor that can take direction well. They are going to throw things at you to see how skilled you are.  For example, they may ask you to play a character in a different way, improvise a scene, speak faster or slower, say again with a different meaning, soften exaggerated gesture etc. You must be flexible to respond instantly.

6. Know what you look like on camera monitor

Camera acting skills always impresses casting directors. They like someone who knows how to do what they need to do with the camera on them.
Learn how to position your body and face so the best parts are seen in the right way and at the most important times. Practice a lot with your acting coach or do it on your mobile camera with the help of a friend and find out what everyone else sees. And just be critical.

7. Know where to look

Have you observed this?
When you are watching a television serial or a film the actors playing the characters are not looking into a camera (means not looking at viewers!). Don�t look at the camera lens unless ask so. Maintain your eye lines. Look either at your partner-actor or reader or a few inches away from the camera. Let your eyes wander -- a little bit. Just don't look down. Lots of us look down to think.

8. You're a person first, actor second

People don't select actors. They hire people who can act. When it's a close competition-- and it often is -- sometimes hiring decisions have to do with the person as much as the performance. 
So what does that mean? Personality. Personality. Personality.

Some more truth about auditions

  • Don't be surprised if there isn't a 
  • Be nice to everyone -- the receptionist might be the casting director's sister. The director might look like an assistant.
  • Never complain about any issue
  • Never apologize -- we don't care if you're sorry you did a bad.
  • Never blame -- the person that didn't give you the script ahead of time might be the person hiring you, or a transport being late, was not well or had a late night etc.
  • Don't try to talk intimately with any one or cozily or gossip -- they hate that!
  • Don't look at them like they are about to put you in jail or going to perform a life threatening surgery -- they're nice people.
  • Be professional -- after all, it is a job interview.
Based on

How to Make Video Introduction Casting Directors Want

By on 8:59:00 PM

Arshad Warsi as struggling actor
Arshad Warsi as struggling actor

Whether you're an actor, model, dancer, singer, musician, comedian, variety performer, or filmmaker, it's becoming increasingly important to have a video introduction or a demo reel available online to show off your skills.

Are you a beginner or don't have enough with experience with work (footage) for a video (Demo) reel (film) yet? No professional clips to post?

 Don't worry; there are a lot of solutions available:

You could hire a service like of cinematographer, director, your acting coach or small production houses in Mumbai to shoot your self-introduction or a monologue.
Or even just borrow a friend�s camera, use your Web cam, or record yourself with the video camera on your phone. The video doesn�t need to be long or complex.

Example of my Video Introduction as a character actor

How to?

  1. Keep it Simple
  2. Keep it limited to around 2 minutes
  3. Filming video from a professional source like a cinematographer, a production house for corporate films is preferred, but if you want to save money or have limited financial resources then... 
A. The best option is to contact wedding videographers in Mumbai. Economical and good!

Here are some of them:

B. Or, just put yourself on tape using any camera you have available. If so then...

4. Make sure the room is quiet (good audio is important!), and ensure that you're nicely lit and framed in the shot.

5. Then say hello, state your name, and say a few words about yourself or your projects. If you'd like, you could also perform a monologue.
6. Then, upload your video to Vimeo or YouTube. (And add your audio clips to SoundCloud.)

    Want to Learn Acting? Why Not From This Acting Coach

    By on 10:25:00 PM

    This Indian Acting Coach is a true �Teaching Artist�

    Profile: Kiran Pande

    Bollywood Acting Coach: Kiran Pande
    Bollywood Acting Coach: Kiran Pande

    Kiran Pande is a �teaching artist,� and he brings that combination of practical technique and creative inspiration to his work as a unique acting coach suited especially to Indian aspiring actors sat Best Actor Academy. Kiran was introduced to different acting techniques practiced around work in NYC ,US by a leading teacher at a prestigious institute. At US and later in India, he developed his own style and a coaching system, best suited to the requirements of Bollywood, TV serials and a psyche of Indians.  With experience, he concluded that for beginners, the best is to learn acting on �one on one� basis and then he believes, a continued learning with a group in a school setting may definitely help an aspiring actor.

    As an actor in "Billy Goes Out"
    As an actor in "Billy Goes Out"

    Kiran grew up in a middle small town of Jabalpur and started acting in college and community plays. His excellence as an actor and success was based on his amazing power of imagination and observation. He learnt to create stories and characters out of what he saw.
    Even now, at the age of 65, in between teaching assignments, he makes time for acting, still in demand and continues to play different characters in films. As a coach, this helps him to impart time relevant training to the actors, rather than those teachers who are now no more an active actor and are out of touch with the current realities of Indian cine industry.


    Coaching Awards and Certificates
    Coaching Awards and Certificates

    Personalized coaching and student films
    Personalized coaching and student films

    Being a good writer and with a sincere zeal to help struggling actors, he runs a free acting blog which till date has 206+ posts with great tips.

    Key Features of Acting Coaching

    • Designing coaching syllabus based on aspirants audition and on his/ her strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities
    • Personalized individual coaching
    • Creating acting techniques on aspirant's profile and emotional reactions to stimuli
    • Acting for the camera
    • Goal setting
    • How to market and promote career
    • Monologue and filming it
    • Casting directors, Registration on free audition websites 
    • + Many more
    • Chance in a film for aspirants

    Contact for acting coaching details:

    How Beginner Actors Screw Up Acting Career | 6 Tips to Win

    By on 8:56:00 PM

    Lost everything?

    Why every aspiring actor doesn't fail?
    Why are you failing?
    Why others are getting a break in films and in TV serials?

    To which category you belong to...

    1. Do you make things happen?
    2. You watch things happen?
    3. Wonder what has happened?

    In 96% of the cases (survey by chitrapat s. asso ltd. 2014), it's the aspiring actor who is responsible for ruining his/ her acting career. There are numerous reasons which we have explained in other posts in this blog

    Stop signal

    How Not to Quit After Repeated Failures

    And so let's start with your dream to be an actor. That is, let's look at the real basics of the basics.  I am an old Olympian in this field, having been way past my age before taking my first coaching assignments. I write this as one who stumbled and fumbled and fooled by my friends and relatives who showered utterly false praise (as I realize now!) on my pictures, height, looks and being a party hero.
    Never knew the level of frightening competition, professional acting, acting for camera, voice culture, good muscular body, the role of good computer and internet research ability, marketing and promotion, financial stability to name some of the few. However, I had a quality- persistence and perseverance, a burning desire to learn and never to give up.
    So in the end, I won. Became a successful actor, a short filmmaker and an acting coach.

    And hence this post to help young aspiring actor who just dream.


    1. Self-examination

    A vital question: Why do you want to act? The response of many was, "I don't know. It just always interested me."
    My own answer: "I wanted to act all my life.� Next question: What is your goal: Fame? Money? Performing?  Many said they just wanted fame and money like Salman Khan or Deepika Padkone. When they can be a Bollywood star, I can.
    My own answer: A great actor like an international acting celebrity!.
    Another question: How do you feel about the idea of performing in public or auditioning? If it terrifies you, then go back to question #1 and do some real soul-searching. Why? Because acting is something that almost always involves auditioning and performing in front of people. It occurs on a stage in front of an audience or in front of a camera with dozens of technicians around. Acting is in front of people! After asking and answering those questions, what then?

    2. What are the requirements to be a successful Bollywood actor and how to meet those requirements?

    What Should You Have?

    • Good looks may help you (especially in TV serials) though I don't agree fully with it. You can work on your looks or rather on your overall personality by facial exercises, Ayurveda treatments and yoga.
    • Good body and its maintenance.
    • Good voice. You can develop by various vocal exercises.
    • Very pleasant nature. 
    • A graduate, good command on HINDI and an ability of a well spoken ENGLISH
    • Excellent ability to memorize and that too, quickly. This is of paramount importance, especially in serials where you get your lines just before the shot!
    • Good acting abilities. You can learn from this blog, from a good school, by joining our coaching  or online free help!
    • Good networking capabilities- building up contacts on line, off line with industry people.
    • The tremendous amount of patience, to be ready for a prolonged struggle and willingness to face periods of financial instability.
    • Emotional stability.

    How should you develop the above Qualities in you?

    • Learn professional acting either by carefully selecting a good school or if in doubt, the best option could be a personal and professional acting coach
    • Join gym developing a good and HOT body
    • Improve your mental health and be strong. Join yoga classes to learn relaxation and mental balance
    • Make a professional portfolio of about 7 to 10 pictures to begin with, where you look exactly as you are. No dark glasses (Let casting directors see your eyes!).
    • Complete your graduation because it's a long struggle with financial instability. Being a graduate and having an additional skills like IT, Marketing, Teaching, etc. may help you to support financially to fulfill your dream to be an actor. Knowing spoken English well  helps you to network with cine industry and creates a favorable impression, apart from being comfortable with English dialogs in a film / TV serial 
    • Start building your contacts in the industry by networking through creating and updating of your profile/ page on a regular basis on social sites, emailing your profile, monologues, your website and show reel.
    • Register yourself with at least 3 to 4 good coordinators (Select form posts in this blog) 
    • Do not restrict your efforts only to one field, e.g. Bollywood films. Enter in modeling, TV serials, commercial ads and print. Just hit all opportunities available
    • Remember that acting is a business and you have to be a good businessman or a woman. You can't live in emptiness without money or with your parents/ relatives/ friends charity forever!
    • In a larger city like Mumbai, finding a coach or acting classes is not difficult. In a small town, it may be difficult. The problem is about honesty and integrity of such institutions, some of them becoming just a business houses. Therefore, you have to be careful. 

    What�s the next step?

    3. Goal Setting and Action Plan

    • Set your goal - 5 years, then 4 years, 3, 2, 1 and then an action plan for this year, finally monthly weekly and daily objective and action plan
    • Monitor this goal and action plan otherwise your wasting your time and money. Forget being an actor. Go back!

    I strongly feel that a brand-new adult actor should consider a personal coaching rather than taking a class--unless he can find a class composed solely of serious adult newcomers like himself--not dabblers or fun seeking rich youngsters. Being in a class with younger or experienced actors can be embarrassing and overwhelming. This is the most vulnerable stage in a newcomer's acting life. Avoid discouragement at this step.  Discouragement awaits us all, but hopefully by the time it hits we'll have enough confidence to not crumble. A newcomer's confidence level is notoriously low. So go the coaching route rather than the class route. There's less stress and more personal attention. Later, for networking, group practices, building contacts, and lots of other industry related information, you can join a good acting school.
    In a small town, the way to start acting is in local theaters, cultural dramas and one act plays, festivals etc. If necessary, form your own group.

    4. What are the really basic necessities?

    A. One absolute necessity is knowledge of the vocabulary of acting. 

    For stage plays, you have to know Stage Right, Down Stage, upstage left, close-up, hit the mark, and... Action!
    For Camera auditions for films, TV serials and commercial ads Apart from knowing, acting for camera, you should know slating, camera shots and angles like master shot, mid shot, close up. Extreme close up, establishing shot, dolly shot, blocking, props, eye lines, pack up or wrap up, cut, take, re-take, framing, camera cheating and many such relevant names.
    Where to find such vocabulary of acting?
    Search relevant posts in this blog. I have given everything
    Search internet with a keyword- acting vocabulary or motion film vocabulary
    Buy a book on Acting Vocabulary from

    B. Second absolute necessity is long term financial stability

    The acting career in Bollywood, TV serials or commercial ads is full of long periods of financial instability and unless you have the resources to maintain yourself for a long period, you will get frustrated, handicapped and may start thinking to quit!
    For aspiring actors with limited financial resources, my strong advice is to become a working actor. Take up a job, may be on a part time basis or a night job as at the International airport in Mumbai, or in a restaurant / hotel or working on an online job on the computer.

    5. Working with the material 

    Another "must" for an adult newcomer is to start working on material (script, lines, character) immediately. The most basic acting requirement is the ability to say a line and sound real. It's hard to imagine an audition or a scene without having to speak. And his /her potential to sound real when he / she says a line is precisely what all beginning actors must discover. This is BASIC.

    Warning! If you cannot learn to �sound and act� real, then acting is not for you.

    6. The Power of Imagination

    The thing which separates a good and successful actor from a mediocre one is �The Power of Imagination�. Develop the habit of visiting places and observing things (people, plants, animals, things, behavior) regularly. Create stories around them and play. Imagine and create stories from words or things. Recollect your own memories from the past

    To summarize, if you are an adult who has always wanted to act, begin either with coaching sessions from a personal coach or from a good school After several lessons you can then decide, based on an intelligent assessment of your potential and an honest evaluation by your school teacher or your personal coach, if you want to spend the next several years following your dream.

    Top 7 Casting Directors with Contact Email of 5 to Help You

    By on 9:00:00 PM

    Top 7 Bollywood  Casting Directors of India
    Clockwise: Shanoo Sharma, Atul Mongia, Shruti Mahajan, Mukesh Chhabra, Honey Trehan, Vicky Sidana, Nandini Shrikent

    Email contact at the bottom

    Email at the bottom

    Wanna Make Your Bollywood Dreams Come True?

    They are known as casting directors or star makers who are responsible for selecting or short listing actors for specific characters from the script of a film, TV serial or commercial ad.
    Now a day, these guys are highly talented  and play a significant role in the film making process by helping to identify good actors with whom largely depends the success of a film, a serial or a commercial ad. New successful actors like Ranveer Singh and Parineeti Chopra vouch for the vision and talent of these casting directors.

    What to Expect?

    When you're called in for an acting audition, the people present at the audition will include you, the casting director, and maybe a handful of other complete strangers. Some of these other people may be the producer, a camera operator (if they're taping the auditions), the casting director's bored friend or relative, a representative from the advertiser (in the case of a commercial audition), or a dance choreographer or musical director (in the case of a musical).

    By the time it's your turn to audition, the casting director has probably seen hundreds of other people ahead of you, which means the casting director and anyone else in the room is likely to be tired, bored, and irritable. Make the director's job easy and you increase your chances of having a successful audition. Make the job harder (by not being ready, talking too much, and so on) and you may seriously kill any chances of getting any role.

    Take care! Top 3 Tips!

    1. Memorize your line perfectly

    To an extent that you don't have to think about lines anymore.

    2. Mind your  auditioning manners

    A lack of courtesy shows disrespect, no matter where you are in life
    Never touch the casting director or any of his or her possessions, such as the notepad, laptop computer, food, and such. Doing so is rude and definitely works against you.

    3. How to enter and exit

    Enter smiling. Mildly nod or  wish elegantly
    Complete your performance, wait for about half or a minute, listen if they give any comment or instructions, nod smilingly, thank them and leave elegantly.
    Well, this is in a nutshell.

    Here are 7 of the top most casting directors of Bollywood who have become a celebrity in their own right with their right actor pick up ability:

    1. Shanoo Sharma

    Star finds: Ranveer Singh, Parineeti Chopra, Arjun Kapoor, Swara Bhaskar, Bhumi Pednekar

    Arguably the biggest name in the casting circuit of Bollywood, Shanoo Sharma is the casting director of Yash Raj Films and has blockbusters like Dhoom 3, Jab Tak Hai Jaan,Ek Tha Tiger, My Name is Khan, Band Baja Baaraat etc to her credit. Sharma's big break came in the form of Karan Johar's 2009 thriller Kurbaan which got her noticed after she handled a celebrity star cast beautifully.
    A decade into the business, Ranveer Singh and Arjun Kapoor are considered to be her biggest draws and the young stars have publicly gone on record to say that they owe their careers to Shanoo!
    Contact details:
    Facebook page for message:

    2. Atul Mongia

    It was his interest in film making that eventually helped Mongia cast and deal with actors better. Post his teaching stint at the renowned Barry John School of Acting in New Delhi, Atul moved to Mumbai and got busy training actors for Dibakar Banerjee's relatively fresh cast in Love Sex Aur Dhoka.And that's how he was handed over the responsibility of finding actors for films.
    Contact details:
    Facebook page for message:

    3. Shruti Mahajan

    Chakravyuh, Ram Leela, Mary Kom and Finding Fanny are some noted milestones in Shruti's portfolio as a casting director which have sealed her career in the big league. And with plum upcoming projects like Bajirao Mastani, Gangajaal 2 and AR Murugadoss's next, the future looks promising for this girl.
    Contact details:
    Facebook page for message:

    4. Mukesh Chhabra

    Star finds: Rajkummar Rao, Sushant Singh Rajput and Amit Sadh

    A casting director by a stroke of luck, Mukesh Chhabra, also lovingly known as Casting Chhabra, is another name deeply respected in the industry. His journey, which began accidentally by casually helping Vishal Bhardwaj cast kids, saw him eventually launch big names like Rajkummar Rao, Sushant Singh Rajput and Amit Sadh.
    Chhabra got his first big break with Imtiaz Ali's Love Aaj Kal but it was his immaculate casting in Anurag Kashyap's Gangs Of Wasseypur that made him a name to reckon with. Presently casting for Aamir Khan's upcoming wrestling film Dangal, Chhabra has no reservations in helping his friends within the industry with casting.
    Contact details (Address): Bunglow No 160, J P Road, Andheri West, Mumbai - 400058, Aaram Nager, Part 2
    Send portfolio:

    5. Honey Trehan

    Another theatre product from Delhi, Honey Trehan worked as a stage director in New Delhi. However, his chance meeting with Vishal Bhardwaj in Mumbai changed the course of his career. Trehan worked as an assistant director in Bhardwaj's Makdee and later showed interest in getting actors for Bhardwaj's movies. That is how Maqbool, Omkaraand Kaminey happened and there was no looking back for Trehan.
    Trehan's first independent assignment was Aamir Khan's production, Delhi Belly. However, it was his dream to cast for Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra and Ritesh Sidhwani, which also happened with the time. Today, Trehan is content with the way his career has shaped up and feels there is plenty of scope for casting directors in the industry
    You can tweet to Honey Trehan:
    Facebook page for message:

    6. Vicky Sidana

    Star finds: Kartik Tiwari, Divyendu Sharma and Rayo Bakhrita

    Vicky Sidana struck gold after his casting for Pyaar Ka Punchnama hit the bull's eye! While life got tedious after the movie, the challenges of his job have always excited him. Sidana has been a part of marathon auditioning processes to filter people for Special 26and Pyaar Ka Punchnama and has only gotten better. And with Bodyguard and Baby also to his credit, Sidana has rapidly found a footing in the industry.
    Facebook page for message:

    7. Nandini Shrikent

    It was her internship with Govind Nihlani on Takshak which changed the course of her career.
    Nandini got her first big break when she got a chance doing the casting for LakshyaHowever, her very first assignment was more of a challenge for Shrikent when she was asked to cast 72 actors to fit Lakshya's war set-up. However, her performance in Lakshya ensured that there was no looking back. Her next few projects, Luck by Chance , Rock On!!,  Life of Pi, Student of the Year and most recently, Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani established her as a name to reckon with.
    Facebook page for message:
    Info source

    Contact Emails 5 casting directors

    1) Mukesh Chhabra

    2) Vicky Sidana

    3) Nandini Shrikent

    4) Shruti Mahajan

    5) Shanoo Sharma

    Updated post from 7.3.2016