25 Great Tips to Defeat Poor Confidence in Struggling Actors

By on 3:26:00 AM
Bollywood actors-confidence and lack of it
Bollywood actors-confidence and lack of it
Single great tip for confidence
Single great tip for developing confidence

  • When you have confidence, you can have a lot of fun. And when you have fun, you can do amazing things.
  • Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.
  • You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience of life. You are able to say to yourself, 'I lived and passed through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along, successfully.'
  • Confidence comes from discipline and training.

Role of Confidence in Acting 

Acting is a constant exercise in uncovering what lives within you, the good and the bad, and to fearlessly expose what most people would rather hide.

  1. To be a great actor, you must be willing to step into the unknown, with honesty.
  2. Trust is the most important quality an artist can possess. Especially, trusting your own self! When you trust, you naturally relax and enjoy the process. When you focus on the love of the work, you open up your heart and find your creativity in I, you are an active participant rather than an observer. You begin to welcome any criticism. When you go by your heart and soul into the acting craft;  when you know you are doing the work that all great actors do� you strengthen a believe in yourself that no one can take away.
  3. The amazing thing is, it isn�t confidence that gets in your way, it�s actually fear! You can work through the fear and transform it into positive energy. Your confidence comes from doing the work, the way you like, unmindful of others, over and over again. That�s how people build their confidence in acting class, in auditions and on a set through completing scenes and learning how to get better �at script and character analysis.�
  4. Confidence is effectively interpreting a script and from that assessment executing strong choices. If you know your craft, no one can deny your skill and that exhibits great self-belief that you have something grand to contribute, simply because you really, really actually do.

One of the greatest enemy of an actor (for that reason, anybody)

 �a poor image of yourself in your own eyes and mind�

Here are some of the examples of �Killing An Actor� perceptions

  • I�m not comfortable in crowd, strangers and with opposite sex. I get withdrawn.
  • I�m introvert and shy
  • I can�t converse in English fluently. I have speech and voice problems.
  • I�m not good looking. My physique is poor.
  • I get tense and nervous
  • I can�t memorize even small sentences.
  • I can�t give up smoking and alcohol
  • I have a poor determination

How Actors should Build Self Confidence


1.  Doing what you believe is right. Not bothered what others think
2.  Willing to take risks
3.  Admitting your mistakes and learning from them
4.  Accepting complaints graciously
1.  Your views are based on what other people think
2.  Staying in your comfort zone
3.  Cover up your mistakes
4.  Dismissing your mistakes

Mental fitness is like physical fitness. It's like a muscle. More you work on more it develops.  You develop high levels of self-regard and a positive attitude with training and practice.

25 Great Tips for confidence building

  1. To start with, do a SWOT Analysis of your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats and write down on a table. 
  2. Work Hard on: A- Further strengthening your strengths; B. On overcoming your weaknesses and turning them into your + points; C. Develop a strategy to avoid threats, which means working hard on alternate options and solutions. Probably threats are due to some of your weaknesses; D. Always think of opportunities you have and benefits you will have if you exploit opportunities!
  3. Work Hard: On developing your skills, excellence and knowledge. Join a coach, a school and attend workshop regularly.
  4. Set Time bound Goals: ie  in 2 years, 1 year, 6 months, This and next month. Then prepare an action plan starting from achievement of long term objectives narrowing it down to the current month. Then work on schedules ie weekly, daily and so on.
  5. Only think of positives.
  6. Always think of good things.
  7. Ask others what you can do for them. Don't expect too much and always from others.
  8. Join Yoga, Gym, Dancing and music classes. These activities will help you to develop a positive and cheerful mind apart from adding in your acting craft.
  9. Attend shows, theater, music shows and events.
  10. Do what interests you.
  11. Identify your successes since childhood, even small ones. Recollect them offer and smile.
  12. Don't worry about outcome of your efforts: For example, go for an audition as an event to enjoy and as a part of your training. Do your best, come out and celebrate your effort with a cup of tea or a drink either with your friends or alone, thinking good and smiling. In other word- CELEBRATE every small effort, not only a an achievement!
  13.  Be aggressive:  A. develop a habit of "Barging in"; B. Meet strangers; Talk and interact with everybody. However, while talking, always talk what others may like; C. Tell a person without hesitation if he/she offends or negates you. Be frank. Don't worry about outcome!
  14. STOP your wandering mind by saying "stop" or count backward from 10 to 1. Focus and concentrate
  15. Start writing down a day's activities before you go to bed. What you have achieved and what you couldn't.
  16. Develop a habit of "Smiling" most of the time. Try this forceably and consequently, it will become your habit.
  17. Talk loudly. The world doesn't accept soft spoken people. They are considered as "Timid"
  18. Make decisions every day and follow irrespective of consequences.
  19. Always think of bright future ahead you
  20. Learn to accept "You are wrong"
  21. Mind your body language. To be confident walk and talk confidently even if you are shitting in your pants! After all, you are an actor. Just fake it!
  22. Don't compare yourself with others
  23. Try new things- dresses, games, friends, hobbies, exotic foods, traveling, places, camping, hiking, birding, nature etc.
  24. Analyse good and successful people
  25. Learn to say "NO". Don't compromise with "YES" 

Positive mental food for actors:

  • Just as your body is healthy to the degree to which you eat healthy, nutritious foods, your mind is healthy to the degree to which you feed it with �mental protein� rather than �mental candy.�
  • Read books, magazines, and articles that are educational, inspirational, or motivational. Feed your mind with information and ideas that are uplifting and that make you feel happy and more confident about yourself and your world.
  • Listen to positive, constructive CDs and audio programs  on your MP3 player, Mobile or iPod. Feed your mind continually with positive messages that help you think and act better and make you more capable and competent in your field.
  • Watch positive and educational DVDs, educational television programs, online courses, and other uplifting material that increases your knowledge and makes you feel good about yourself and your life.

    Must Read Posts from this blog for confidence building and improving mental health of an actor

    Actors-How to Improve Your Mental Health And Be Successful In Bollywood
    No Break in Films? Worried? Depressed? 7 Proven Solutions
    Aspiring Bollywood Actors | Know Your Enemies | Win Over or Get Lost!

    9 Simple Steps on How to Exploit Facebook for Top Casting Directors

    By on 8:51:00 AM
    Casting groups and casting directors on facebook


    How to exploit Facebook to get roles in films, TV serials and commercial ads

    1. Open a profile account on Facebook.
    2. Visit below mentioned groups and casting directors
    3. For groups: Send request for membership. Most of them are open groups.
    4. Post your brief resume/photo under "status" in these groups. That's it!
    5. There will be several posts from dozens of casting directors in these groups.
    6. Click on these casting directors and visit their pages. Request for friendship contact. Meanwhile, even if you are not yet friend, post your brief resume/photo or your website URL under "message". You are done!
    7. Get their contact No. and phone or send them Email which you may find on their page.
    8. Don't give up. Go on contacting them once in 15 days. NOT daily!
    9. For the list of  Casting Directors follow steps above from 6

     Casting Groups on Facebook

    1. Anil kumar casting group

    2. Casting auditions

    3. Casting for Films and Commercials

    4. Film Actor Association Maharashtra

    6. INDICASTING (Closed group-require approval)


    8. Models Mumbai,Navi Mumbai and Pune

    9. *The Indian Television Academy...since 2001

    10. mypnp Casting (Mostly Marathi auditions. Closed group-require approval)

    11. Casting Calls India 

    Casting Directors on Facebook

     2. Bharat Patel

    3. Sandeep Vyas

    4. Parmeshwari Arts

    5. Mec Saurav

    6. Akshaansh Patel

    7. Aman Pr���� �f R�m����

    8. Mahek Khan

    9. Raaz Kaushik

    10. Misba Kazi

    11. Talvinder Singh (Delhi)

    12. *Virendra Rathore

    13. Radiance Viz

    14. *Sant Kinram Baba

    15. *Sajid Siddiqui Siddiqui

    16. *Mohit Singla

    17. **Dilip Shah

    Star Post
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    Social Networking Game Tricks Only for Intelligent Actors

    Social Networking Game Tricks Only for Intelligent Actors

    By on 9:26:00 PM
    Social Networking sites for actors

    What is Networking for Actors and How it can Help you to get Break into Films, TV Serials and Commercial Ads?

    1. Is to establish contacts needed to take your acting career to a success level.
    2. Networking on a social site is not a gossiping or chatting for fun. Networking is developing key relationships and friendship in cine/TV/ Commercial/ Modeling industry.
    3. You must work hard and remain visible on social networking sites.
    4. A key element of networking is to know top casting directors, production houses, TV channels and actor's coordinators and plan to meet them ASAP.
    5. When meeting someone new, prepare your approach and what you intend discussing.
    6. Develop a special type of knowledge or for example a special technique to portray an emotion, attitude or improve that sets you apart from others.
    7. Build special personal connection rather than taking or receiving instant rewards.
    8. Remember- It's not what you know, but who you know or it's not who you know but who knows you!.
    9. If you receive a positive response, keep in mind to follow that person ASAP  and regularly
    10. Keep in mind, being of service to another person is extremely important like to recommend a book, a restaurant, a movie, a story, information/news about the movie, casting etc.
    11. Keep your visiting card with you which has a thumbnail, contact details, website, etc on the back of the card. 
    12. Make friend with everyone, not just those who will help you to get a break. Like receptionist, AD, cameraman, crew members etc.
    13. Send Than You notes by the truck load! Inspired by 

    Which Social Networking Sites? 

    If you are an actor, you MUST know Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts

    If you don�t know, here is a brief:

    Facebook is the most popular social media platform to date and has a wide range of features with an easy-to-navigate interface. One of the best features would be the fan page integration. If you�re an actor, I suggest building a fan page. It�s pretty much an interactive electronic press kit that anyone can view. Being able to post images, video, and updates on your current work while using a different profile than your original one is excellent. Your fan page should focus mostly on news and press opportunities, especially for those that would prefer they keep their personal profile private.
    2. Twitter Account.
    Twitter is a great place to share your information, press, and work. You have direct access to other actors, celebrities, directors, casting directors, etc. If you�re searching for an agent or trying to get your new acting project some publicity, Twitter is the most effective platform.
    3. Linkedin Groups.
    LinkedIn is one of the �classier� social media sites. Though many see it as more of a business and a job seeker portal, LinedIn have a variety of features that actors should take advantage of. The �Actors and Casting Directors� group are a good place to start. The group boasts roughly 32,000 members, which means there�s an opportunity to network and meet new acting buddies.
    4. Tumblr.
    I strongly recommend this for actors. Tumblr is a great way to showcase images of your past work, press, videos, clippings, contact information, etc. Also, it may be more mobile friendly than your official web page, keeping people who are searching for you online from getting frustrated on their phones.

    Here are some DOs and one major DON�T of social media.

    1. DO have a presence on the Internet. A short, powerful bio listing your major credits and training, a compelling photo and short video will do. The three top sites are Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. There are over 30 sub sites on LinkedIn especially for actors. Join them. There are daily discussions about every aspect of a performing career�commercials, prime time, films, agents and marketing tools. The sub sites are run by actors for the most part.
    2. DO publish photos that show you at your best. No silly or obscene photos. No Photos with dark glasses.
    3. DO upload videos that show your recent work. Short clips from films, trailers, or professionally shot scenes are okay. Keep it short, so downloading is easy.
    4. DO post frequently. But don�t be a pest! Daily is too much�twice weekly is probably better.
    5. DO say something intelligent. �I had Chicken Tikka and Biryani for dinner.� �I met my girlfriend today� NO! Professional info is what the Bollywood or TV industry wants to hear. Try things like �Had been to UTV for an audition for a feature film� or �got an Email from casting director Anup Singh to send my resume and portfolio for a commercial ad�
    6. DON�T contact industry professionals if you don�t know them.

    Facts About  Networking Sites for Actors

    Do top casting directors find their actors on the Internet? 

    No. They need to meet you in person to get a sense of your personality/acting or modeling abilities/ credibility and work ethic. Are you polished, well mannered, proactive, and continually training? Putting a friendly tweet with a link may be the first step in developing a relationship. Then the best is to call their office, seek an appointment and then visit.

    Will casting directors call you in or hire you for a role by contacting them via social media? 

    They will not hire you directly for a role. However, you may be shortlisted for an audition.

    What about Your website: 

    If they�ve clicked on your website and seen your work they may get a sense of your type, talent, and personality, and may be interested enough to call you for an interview or for an audition. That�s the beauty of having a great website�it sells you while you�re sleeping or out of town. You never know who�s is searching your type on Google. It�s a long shot to actually get an acting job, but a chance to start a communication and develop a relationship. If they already know your work, it�s a definite plus for reminding them of your existence so they can call you in for the right role. However, learn how to promote your website on the internet. Marketing a website on the internet so that it appears on page 1 on search engine pages, among thousands and lacs of pages is a different ball game, a science and an art. The selection of Layout, Titles, Meta tags and Keywords are some of the important aspects of a website promotion. (You may contact the author of this blog on how to create and promote your website)

    Open an account NOW!

    Apart from Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, here are social networking sites popular in India


    My Final words on Social Networking for Actors

    Social media sites are best used to stay in touch with those you know, create new contacts, share a link showing recent work, and to develop a friendly relationship with new industry contacts which may lead to future work. It will hinder any career if you abuse the connection. Using social media is just one more valuable tool in your marketing toolbox. Source

    Frustrated and Quitting Acting? 10 Tips for Future and Wealth

    By on 12:52:00 AM
    Frustrated actor and quitting
    Frustrated actor and quitting

    Top 10 actresses and actors who achieved stardom and richness. However, they have to slog, face rejections, sarcasm, frustrations and financial instability for periods of 10 to 20 years, barring a few who were sons or daughters or other close relatives of cine world celebrities


    10 Tips to Fulfill Dreams to be a Great Actor and Earn Money

    A few weeks ago one of my students asked me that she had taken a class, had gone for portfolio, filmed a show-reel cum monologue and now paying a substantial amount for registration to artist coordinators and for promotional website. She further adds that it�s about a year now without and she hasn�t got sufficient acting assignments and money to make a simple living. Career and money management and She wanted to know how actors can prepare a career and  money management plans in today�s difficult economic climate. The best way to do that, is to tie together your economic and career goals.
    We all live in times of tremendous economic uncertainties. Gone are the days when a person could work in Govt Services or somewhere else for 50 years and enter retirement with a pension facility and a gold watch. Our business of being an actor has always operated under a system that makes planning even more difficult.

    Here�s an example:

    Barring few exceptions of payments to top stars,  80% of a movie or TV budget is usually for pre-production, production and post-production, promotion etc. Therefore, logically, writers, studios, production staff, direction dept., related executives and people involved in marketing earn sufficiently well leaving a small amount of actors to earn.

    Therefore, unless you make a success within a year and soon become a �Market Actor� with a market value, you may find yourself soon in financial and mental pressures with consequent shattered dreams.
    The reality is if the pay scale for actors continues to shrink and that too under increasing cut throat competition, how can an actor hope to set reasonable monetary goals?

    Here are my 5 Great Solutions for Career and Money:

    1. Only count and consider on money you actually make, not what you think might happen. For example, if you get cast in a trailer or pilot film or in a commercial ad, don�t assume that it will stay on the TV or air for long and somebody will pick me for a film and my career will start with money flowing in. The only money that is real is the actual money you got paid for that pilot or trailer or ad and though it may help, there is no future guarantee for career or finances.
    2. Make up a reasonable budget for your living expenses and then look at your average income for the last one to two years. If the money you�ve made does not allow you to pay for the basics, how are you going to live?  Actors don�t always like without being in acting job, but the practical truth is you need to make money to support your acting. Some actors try to write scripts or teach in acting classes this may help you, but you can�t live your life on that.
    3. Try some work on the internet-an interesting blog (on actor resources) or try making a short film with your friends with a killer story and promote vigorously on the internet. The costs of such activities are low.
    4. Take up acting/ film/ TV related jobs in different depts. Like AD or start a small acting class and teach.
    5. Start a different kind of business: Study what the trends are. Open a small shop like a photo studio with a simple camera and lights.
    6. Look at things you like to do or are skilled at and put those talents to work: Develop your voice and become a voice over artist, a film or TV, newspaper/ magazine writer or reporter etc., jobs in film distribution companies to name a few options

    Ways to Analyze and Plan for Future

    Additionally, do a S.W.O.T. (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis for you and prepare �An Action Plan� and linked yearly, monthly, weekly and then daily schedule to meet your one or two careers and financial goals. Chop those years into six-month chunks to evaluate your progress and see if you need to change tactics. Be more concerned about a pattern of movement and progress than the actual achievement of specific things. Keep a record of your progress and how you feel about it.

    For example:

    6.  If, after one year, you get an actor�s coordinator or an agency and go out on auditions, but apart from three small roles haven�t got a true reasonable break yet. However, don�t take this as a failure. That is progress enough to extend to another year. Sometimes it takes a while for casting directors to get comfortable with an actor and trust his work.
    7.  If during the entire second year you get cast total in about 10 roles and maybe even in a small role in big Bollywood banner, this is good progress and you can safely take on another year.
    8.  However, if, at the end of two years, you have not gotten any reasonably paid (Rs.1,44,000 in a year) acting work on a TV show, or in a movie or play, put up a red flag. Decide, if it still it your life and living has life and, more importantly, what is the toll it is taking on your sense of dreams and self as a whole?
    9.  The third year is a crux year in terms of being honest with you. If there is no forward movement, you need to start looking for alternative acting paths.
    10.  If you have been able to manage your �Self� and finances, at the end of the fourth year, ask yourself these questions: Are you a paid, working actor? Can you live on the money you make? Are you enjoying your work you get? Like,Is it enough to play characters who have three lines and no names?
    Being honest is not shameful if it gives you a better life. If you chart your career path in coordination with your finances, you will have a clear idea of where you are. You do not want to wake up in 10 years and realize that nothing has changed. You don�t need to give up acting, but find ways to do it in line with a life that is more financially and mentally rewarding. At every step, ask yourself whether your chase is giving enough backing to continue the ride.
    It is hard on your mind and psyche to live without knowing  how you will pay your rent and food. Being able to act as an actor is a rare and special gift and there is more than one way (acting) to use that gift. Remain focused on ways and means to earn money so you don�t let your dream to be a �Star� hide and cloud your �reality� and apply breaks to your life!
    I know, you are far better than just a dreamer. Source