Social Networking Game Tricks Only for Intelligent Actors

By on 9:26:00 PM
Social Networking sites for actors

What is Networking for Actors and How it can Help you to get Break into Films, TV Serials and Commercial Ads?

  1. Is to establish contacts needed to take your acting career to a success level.
  2. Networking on a social site is not a gossiping or chatting for fun. Networking is developing key relationships and friendship in cine/TV/ Commercial/ Modeling industry.
  3. You must work hard and remain visible on social networking sites.
  4. A key element of networking is to know top casting directors, production houses, TV channels and actor's coordinators and plan to meet them ASAP.
  5. When meeting someone new, prepare your approach and what you intend discussing.
  6. Develop a special type of knowledge or for example a special technique to portray an emotion, attitude or improve that sets you apart from others.
  7. Build special personal connection rather than taking or receiving instant rewards.
  8. Remember- It's not what you know, but who you know or it's not who you know but who knows you!.
  9. If you receive a positive response, keep in mind to follow that person ASAP  and regularly
  10. Keep in mind, being of service to another person is extremely important like to recommend a book, a restaurant, a movie, a story, information/news about the movie, casting etc.
  11. Keep your visiting card with you which has a thumbnail, contact details, website, etc on the back of the card. 
  12. Make friend with everyone, not just those who will help you to get a break. Like receptionist, AD, cameraman, crew members etc.
  13. Send Than You notes by the truck load! Inspired by 

Which Social Networking Sites? 

If you are an actor, you MUST know Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts

If you don�t know, here is a brief:

Facebook is the most popular social media platform to date and has a wide range of features with an easy-to-navigate interface. One of the best features would be the fan page integration. If you�re an actor, I suggest building a fan page. It�s pretty much an interactive electronic press kit that anyone can view. Being able to post images, video, and updates on your current work while using a different profile than your original one is excellent. Your fan page should focus mostly on news and press opportunities, especially for those that would prefer they keep their personal profile private.
2. Twitter Account.
Twitter is a great place to share your information, press, and work. You have direct access to other actors, celebrities, directors, casting directors, etc. If you�re searching for an agent or trying to get your new acting project some publicity, Twitter is the most effective platform.
3. Linkedin Groups.
LinkedIn is one of the �classier� social media sites. Though many see it as more of a business and a job seeker portal, LinedIn have a variety of features that actors should take advantage of. The �Actors and Casting Directors� group are a good place to start. The group boasts roughly 32,000 members, which means there�s an opportunity to network and meet new acting buddies.
4. Tumblr.
I strongly recommend this for actors. Tumblr is a great way to showcase images of your past work, press, videos, clippings, contact information, etc. Also, it may be more mobile friendly than your official web page, keeping people who are searching for you online from getting frustrated on their phones.

Here are some DOs and one major DON�T of social media.

1. DO have a presence on the Internet. A short, powerful bio listing your major credits and training, a compelling photo and short video will do. The three top sites are Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. There are over 30 sub sites on LinkedIn especially for actors. Join them. There are daily discussions about every aspect of a performing career�commercials, prime time, films, agents and marketing tools. The sub sites are run by actors for the most part.
2. DO publish photos that show you at your best. No silly or obscene photos. No Photos with dark glasses.
3. DO upload videos that show your recent work. Short clips from films, trailers, or professionally shot scenes are okay. Keep it short, so downloading is easy.
4. DO post frequently. But don�t be a pest! Daily is too much�twice weekly is probably better.
5. DO say something intelligent. �I had Chicken Tikka and Biryani for dinner.� �I met my girlfriend today� NO! Professional info is what the Bollywood or TV industry wants to hear. Try things like �Had been to UTV for an audition for a feature film� or �got an Email from casting director Anup Singh to send my resume and portfolio for a commercial ad�
6. DON�T contact industry professionals if you don�t know them.

Facts About  Networking Sites for Actors

Do top casting directors find their actors on the Internet? 

No. They need to meet you in person to get a sense of your personality/acting or modeling abilities/ credibility and work ethic. Are you polished, well mannered, proactive, and continually training? Putting a friendly tweet with a link may be the first step in developing a relationship. Then the best is to call their office, seek an appointment and then visit.

Will casting directors call you in or hire you for a role by contacting them via social media? 

They will not hire you directly for a role. However, you may be shortlisted for an audition.

What about Your website: 

If they�ve clicked on your website and seen your work they may get a sense of your type, talent, and personality, and may be interested enough to call you for an interview or for an audition. That�s the beauty of having a great website�it sells you while you�re sleeping or out of town. You never know who�s is searching your type on Google. It�s a long shot to actually get an acting job, but a chance to start a communication and develop a relationship. If they already know your work, it�s a definite plus for reminding them of your existence so they can call you in for the right role. However, learn how to promote your website on the internet. Marketing a website on the internet so that it appears on page 1 on search engine pages, among thousands and lacs of pages is a different ball game, a science and an art. The selection of Layout, Titles, Meta tags and Keywords are some of the important aspects of a website promotion. (You may contact the author of this blog on how to create and promote your website)

Open an account NOW!

Apart from Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, here are social networking sites popular in India

My Final words on Social Networking for Actors

Social media sites are best used to stay in touch with those you know, create new contacts, share a link showing recent work, and to develop a friendly relationship with new industry contacts which may lead to future work. It will hinder any career if you abuse the connection. Using social media is just one more valuable tool in your marketing toolbox. Source


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