6 Sure Steps | How to Overcome Actor's Career Deadly Mistakes

By on 9:04:00 PM
Real Mistake
Let's learn from mistakes

The Deadly Mistakes!

  • Just a dream to be an actor and jumped into the sea of "Actors" without knowing how to swim
  • No research done on the requirements of how to be a Bollywood or TV serial actor and have never analyzed whether or not you meet those requirement criteria- 
For example, your Physical and mental expertise, Financial support for a long period, Expenses in Mumbai, Proficiency in Hindi and English, Quality of voice, Contacts in the industry, Excellence in acting ability, Marketing competence and business sense, etc.
  • Joining an acting school on the basis of big names, glitter of the establishment, without proper survey, paying hefty sums of 2 to 3 Lakhs with no post training support.
  • Exhibiting impatience in becoming an actor and falling prey to cheats and fraudsters
  • Facing rejections leading to frustrations and depression

Final Result is 

A. Quitting the race
B. Taking petty jobs for survival
C. Drowning oneself in alcohol and drugs

Have you made any of the above mistakes?

Don�t worry.

I bet everybody knows about the saying nobody is perfect.  Well, it�s true.  One way or the other at one time in your actor�s life you are bound to make minor and major mistakes.   A mistake may seem to be a negative thing for you now. But it all depends on how you see things.  But if we turn the tables around, you may find that some mistakes in your life can make you stronger and wiser.  There are lessons to be learned if you just allow these mistakes to teach them to you.

Step 1

Forgive Yourself

Again, I would like to repeat the line �nobody is perfect�  because it�s true. Remember saying in the case of an unfaithful woman who was to be punished by an angry crowd. The God passed the stone to any person who has no sin and throw it at the accused. He said �He who has no sin may cast the first stone.�  No one dared to do so.  This comes to show that no one is infallible.  Everyone makes mistakes.  Knowing this you have to learn to forgive yourself. That is the first step.

Step 2

Past is Past

What was done in the past cannot be undone. We cannot change our past.  But we can mold the future today.  There�s no point in crying over spilled milk.  Besides, what good would that do, right?  Stop thinking about it with regret. Instead, start listing down the things that led you to make that mistake.

Step 3

Change your Path

Now that you�ve evaluated the problem and you�ve listed down the paths that led you to making that mistake, change your path. Don�t make the same mistake again.  The first time you made the mistake was unintentional, but if it happens again, you decided for it to happen.

Step 4

Be Smart

Do you know the laws of �cause and effect�?  There is something that caused that mistake to happen. Be smart enough to recognize it and avoid it in future. You must understand that although you are happy with who you are as an actor or a struggler, there is always room for improvement. Remember, a mistake makes you realize your weaknesses. Therefore you will know which skills and talents you will need to work on to improve your acting craft or marketing efforts so the mistake will not happen again.

Step 5

Forgive Yourself and Others

Hating yourself and others will not help you as a person.  It will only make you distrusting and paranoid.  If someone hurt you before, that doesn�t mean that everybody else will do the same thing.  Forgive the one who hurt you and trust that he or she will get what is due to them in time. Also, it is most important for you to forgive yourself. Everything happens for a reason.

Step 6

Be Positive- The Only Option

Keep a positive attitude.  Again, remember that everything happens for a reason.  Even though a mistake seems catastrophic to you now, some good will come out of it someday.  Just be sure to learn from your mistakes and you will find that the things you learn from them will make you a stronger and better person in the future.
Inspired by Sheila Noreen Gamo

No Break Yet in Bollywood or TV Serials? Salute Yourself

By on 3:15:00 AM
Now a Bollywood actor: Ayushman Khurana
Never gave up! Now a Bollywood actor: Ayushman Khurana 

... when we used to travel from Chandigarh to Mumbai we would travel by second-class sleeper to take 40-odd hours to reach our destination. Inside the bogies we would perform and collect money for our lunch....I have got rejected so many times  that I�d become numb. I would be told I don�t look like a conventional hero or come across as an  actor or have it in me to become a star."- Ayushman Khurana, who donated sperms to be part of  reality show called "Roadies": Source

Salute Yourself!

There may be days when as a struggling actor you feel that you don�t belong to this actor�s world-Bollywood or TV serials. Though you may feel so, don�t worry, you are not alone in this.
No matter where you are in life now, in relation to your dreams to be a Bollywood star, no matter how you feel right now, you deserve to applaud and praise yourself.

Here are reasons why you deserve to applaud yourself no matter what:

1. Failures are as delightful as your successes

Failures should not be taken against ourselves. Your failures have shaped you into who you are today. Though failures sometimes can leave us feeling really down, they do teach us lessons that we can never learn from any other way. You fail because you tried. It is in the trying that we are truly living. When you succeed, there is this sweetness that you feel. Failures must not be taken as the bad part of our decision to aspire to be an actor and our lives. They are as beautiful as our successes. Failures make us modest and realistic; they, too, make us wiser and stronger. Remind yourself that each struggler out there also experiences, their own failures. It is unavoidable. Give yourself the well-deserved applaud for being able to take in each failure, each success with calmness, pride, and open-mindedness.

2. You are unique You. There is no second You

There is no one else like you in the world, in the universe. This is why you better stop comparing yourself with someone else (if you are still busy doing that). Stop self-criticism!  We all may do this sometimes. This is because we constantly move in an environment (cine and TV industry) that seems to create pseudo standards. Your life will tremendously change when you realize that I better stop comparing and pitying myself. There are no reasons why you have to dwell on comparing yourself to others. Each of us deals with different types of life tussles and fights. What works for A does not totally work for B or C. You have a unique vision. Follow your own beat, and do not be scared of where your dance leads you.

3. Yes, you are remarkable

When you feel so alone, remember that you are significant. As you walk outside, you are different than all those who you see.  When you go for auditions and observe others who in your mistaken opinion are seemingly better than you, look yourself in that small mirror you keep with you. Oh, yes, you are really different and remarkable in this difference, and that�s what a casting director is looking for. Isn�t he? Next, you got a small role in a short film after a long period. Well, that�s because you are remarkable. Even other industry people, your friends do not recognize your awesome personality and talents at present the loss is theirs, not yours! Continue your journey to stardom and soon you will reach your destination soon

4. Your way of life is the message to the world

There are actually no rules on how to live the most meaningful life. Your view of what a great life is may be different from someone else�s, but it does not mean that you are a failure. The more you get too pressured about the expectations of others, the more you become so hard on yourself. When you hear your soul calling for dreaming more and just living the way you want, does not mean that you are a notch lower to those who choose to work 9-5 and who stay in one place all their lives. They have their own message to the world. You have yours, too. Applaud yourself for allowing your voice be heard.

5. You are a gift

Can you recall that moment when someone thanked you for something you did or just being who you are? You are a gift. Sometimes, the failures may overshadow how you see yourself through inside who you are, but your inner light will surely illuminate even when the years have gone by. How you make someone feel will never be forgotten. You may reach a point when you feel that you�ve taken a path so different from the rest and you feel guilty about it. On the other hand, you do know that there is someone out there who is inspired by your bold choices.
These are just five of the many why you deserve to praise yourself. You are reading this now because you are artistic, appealing and smashing!
You deserve more than a simple burger and Pepsi at McDonald�s.

You are a celebration!

11 Simple Steps You Can Take Today to be a Bollywood Star

By on 7:30:00 AM
Get noticed by Bollywood
How to get noticed by Bollywood

How to Get Noticed by Bollywood to Get a Role

11 steps of an action plan to be in Bollywood

1. Start taking training and don't stop no matter how good you think you are or how good others tell you are, so that when you do put yourself up in front of the right people, you will be ready! Join a good school or preferably, hire an acting coach in the beginning who will focus on you alone.

2. Study Bollywood and TV serial or TV commercial production industry. Find out how it works. Find out who is responsible for casting actors and  what casting directors, coordinators look for in an actor, what the unions do, what the current trends and competition are in the industry, etc.

3. Figure out what your type is (See footnote). Don't jump for any audition whether or not you meet the requirement of a "character" auditioners are looking for. It may lead to your being rejected. This is a concept you need to be familiar with! It will help you direction in  your marketing efforts.

4. Get into your head once for all that acting is a business like any other. Therefore, learn the basic business, networking and self-promotional skills. So important! You need to make sure you stand out from everyone else. You need to be extremely persistent as well!

5. Learn how to audition. Auditioning and acting on set are two different beasts. Auditioning is like getting an entry ticket. It's completely different from the rest of the game.

6. Surround yourself with people who are already doing what you want and NOT with people who are trying to get what you want. You are more likely to learn from people who are already doing what you want to do. So go find them and learn from them!

7. Talk to both working actors, A-who is making a living from acting as well as B- to aspiring actors who have been talking a lot over the past couple of years and really haven't done very much. You can learn from both groups! From one you learn what to do. From the other, you will learn how NOT to be.

8. Stay curious and never ever think you know it all. Be good and humble. You can always get better, whether in your acting technique, auditioning, sharpening your monologue delivery, on-camera technique, learning about the industry or whatever. Never, never stop learning! Continue getting retrained from your acting coach

9. Once you start to achieve some success, help others who are in the same position you were once. You'll see that it will pay off.

10. At some point during all this you should ask yourself (and be honest) if you really, honestly and truly have the passion for acting to DO WHAT IS NECESSARY to succeed. Without that passion much will be lost and it will be difficult for you to achieve the success you desire. And what's more, you probably won't be very happy.

11. Finally, in your journey, there will be periods of considerable financial instability. Have you planned finances for the sufficient period of time? If not, then this could be a bottleneck to your long struggle.

Once you do those things regularly, you are bound to be noticed by Bollywood Industry!

What Type are you?

1. Age 
You don't have to necessarily look at your real age, but instead of the age range you can authentically play.
2. Physical Appearance
 For which character are you physically appropriate? A young leading woman? A young leading man? Irrespective of age, a leading woman? A leading man? A character actor/ comedian? Then there is more specific typing, such as a villager, urban, college student,  army/ police, dirty, divine looking (priest), regional (south Indian, Bengali, Oriental) and so on.
3. Personality depicting your particular attitude
Are you energetic, funny, serious, silly, playful, shy, emotional, quirky, cool, nerdy, friendly, expressive, spontaneous, introverted or extroverted, suspicious, negative, sad, dejected? The list goes on.
4. Inherent inborn nature
Are you strong, powerful, delicate, arrogant, humble, sophisticated, earthy, vulnerable, fragile, offbeat, contemporary, classic, lower class, middle class, upper class, city, suburban, country, executive class, working class, intelligent, intense, competent, independent, soft, hard, winner or loser? Again, the list goes on.

How to Kiss Opposite Sex on Camera if a Scene Demands

By on 7:55:00 AM
Top Stars Hrithik and Katerina living truthfully under imaginary situation
Top Stars Hrithik and Katerina living truthfully under imaginary situation

Many a times a scene may require you to be embarrassingly close to your partner of the opposite sex and kiss that person. Be prepared irrespective of what you feel about him/her!

How to Tackle Kissing Your Scene Partner on Camera


  1. If you have to kiss a person you hate;
  2. If you have to kiss a person you like or love;
  3. If you have to kiss a person when you don�t have any feelings with this person;

How to kiss someone when you hate them

You have gotten yourself into a huge mess on a film set when you have to kiss someone you terribly hate. For example, an opposite sex scene partner with whom you had a fight or the person invariably mocks and irritates you. If that happens, you have the following options:

A. The first thing to do is go to the director to give you another part. (By the way, don�t do this if you have the lead role.)

B. Ask the director to change the kiss to a hug�or even better, a handshake. Or best of all, a look. Okay, if the director threatens to fire you, stop this very second!

C. Tell the director your situation. Maybe they�ll be kind enough to let a substitute person do the kissing.

D. Just fake it. Get through the kiss�and get it over with in the first take. This will also make the director happy. Hey, if you want to be an actor, this is what it needs!

How to kiss someone when you like or love 

(Not uncommon when you like/love a co-actor of opposite sex)

Now we are going to discuss something even worse: What if the person you have to kiss is that rare one you like or love

A. Do the same things I told you to do with the paragraph above.

B. If you can�t get out of it, enjoy it�no one will ever know!

How to Kiss someone for whom you have no feelings. 

This advice is not only for the above category, but for all 3 categories.

  • Read and understand the situation in the script related to that scene, its objective and how that scene achieves its objective. Trigger your imagination and live truthfully under the imaginary circumstances in a scene. Emotions will be generated by imaging-�IF� I�m so and so and my cofactor to which I have to kiss is so, how will I behave? And shoot!

Sachin Tendulkar is now a Bollywood Star! What about You?

By on 5:04:00 AM

Sachin Tandulkar in a commercial ad
Sachin Tandulkar in a commercial ad

The moral of this story: When a cricketer can be a Bollywood Star, why not you?

Sachin Tendulkar is to star as himself in a Bollywood biopic on his rise to become the greatest batsman in the history of cricket.
The film will be directed by James Erskine, who has won a number of awards and produced several acclaimed sports-focused documentaries, including Battle of the Sexes, the story of Billie-Jean�s match against Bobby Riggs, and One Night in Turin on England�s 1990 World Cup campaign in Italy.

The Master Blaster is all set to blaze the silver screen with the yet to-be-titled movie, which will capture his cricket and personal life in great detail. Tendulkar, who has given his go-ahead to the production, will be contributing to it with his own inputs as well as acting, where he surprised everybody with his desire to learn, practice and his sheer determination to be a good actor!

The work on a movie in which Master Blaster Sachin Tendulkar played himself started a year ago and is being shot in latest. Nearly 50% of the film has been shot. Apart from Tendulkar, many well-known personalities across the world are also contributing to it.

It will trace his rise from humble beginnings in Mumbai to his recent retirement as the highest-scoring batsmen in history. He retired in November 2013 having made more than 30,000 runs in international matches, a hundred test match centuries, and appeared in more tests and one day internationals than any other player.

He is loved throughout India for providing the country with its best memories of sporting glories, not least the victories against Pakistan and the 2011 World Cup after defeating Sri Lanka.
�Someone had to capture these memories for the generations to come who will want to know what the Tendulkar-era was like�, explained Ravi Bhagchandka of the Mumbai-based production company "200 Not Out".

Cricket commentator Ayaz Menon said Tendulakar�s story is similar to that of Tiger Woods � a child prodigy who lived up to his early promise. �More interesting is his impact on the Indian psyche � he captured the imagination of a billion people, everyone watched him bat and when he was out they switched off�, he said.

He had been expected to follow in his father�s footsteps as a modest-income teacher, but his family encouraged him to focus on cricket from the age of ten. He stayed with relatives while he learned the game. �They didn�t know if he would make it, but they gambled and it paid off�, he added.
Based on the news  source


Note: Read each and every post on this blog carefully or contact me for private professional coaching to be a star-Author

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7 Easy Steps to Create a Top Monologue and Grab a Role

By on 9:31:00 PM
Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor

Actor Shahid Kapoor's revenge drama Haider, an adaptation of Shakespeare's tragedy Hamlet, struck both critical and commercial gold. It became the first Kashmir-based film in many years to click with the audience and has reportedly been declared the fifth highest-rated crime drama of all times. Shahid played the role of a young student in the insurgency-hit Kashmir of the mid-1990s. His intense and convincing performance won him the Stardust award for Best Actor in a Drama

To become a great performer like young Shahid Kapoor, the beginning is about learning how to prepare good monologues

Selection and how you deliver your Monologue is a prime factor in an actor�s selection for a role. 

The majority of actors makes a deadly mistake of just memorizing the lines of a monologue and spit it out losing an opportunity of grabbing their dream role.
You must remember that a monologue, as a matter of fact is a 2 minute mini film where there is only one character and that is you! This 2 minute film, like any other should have all the ingredients to make it a hit!
This becomes more important in the case of a monologue because your audience is not simply cine viewers, but is a critic- a casting director!

Success Steps

  1. Like script analysis requirement for a film, analyze your monologue and character carefully
  2. What is the objective of monologues and how monologues achieves it
  3. A good monologue should have good dynamics i.e. Changes. This means there is something different at the end than at the beginning (emotions, activities or in the story) 
  4. An ideal comedic monologue should be faster and illogical, a bizarre, with unexpected changes in the storyline and opposite from seconds to seconds.
  5. A dramatic monologue should have a �conflict� shown as a sharp change in emotions, behavior and reactions as the main objective of a monologue.
  6. Now based on the above analysis, prepare your monologue scene creating the character.
  7. Finally, live and perform truthfully in that character


Create a rhythm change after the first line of your monologue. Many schools and individuals may disagree on so many areas of d performance, but one thing I�ve never heard any disagreement on is that they want to be surprised. 

So, let�s imagine the first line of your monologue is something, like,

"Muzhay Tumhara Paisa Nahin Chahiye, Bus Tum Sirf Meri Baat Suno"
And the second line of your monologue is
�Muzhe Lagta Hai Ki Jo Kuch Main Kahata Haun, Tumhe Use se Koi Matlab Nahin� Hai�
(�I don�t want your money, I want you to listen to me,�) and (�It seems like nothing I say means anything to you.�)

Now, stop after you�ve delivered your first line! Pause to get it registered by your imaginary scene partner. Then taking a breath, change your speed, volume of your voice, emotions and using your hands (like raising and pointing your finger), Bang! Just shoot your second line. The objective is to create conflict and sensation!
Don�t make a mistake, like other actors who memorize and simply blurt out lines!

Here is a good monologue written and filmed by the author for his student Zeeshan in author's coaching "Bollywood Best Actor Academy"

No Acting School Can Teach You 9 Success Steps Acting Coach Can

By on 2:23:00 AM
9 steps to success in acting business

1. To Learn how run the business of being an actor

To make you understand that to be an actor is not just a wild dream and a wishful thinking, but a it's a business and like in any other business, you must make profits which means you must make money for your decent living and worldly comforts. 80% of actors fail in life because they do not apply the principles of business management in their acting career

2. To analyze and target your strengths and weaknesses to be a successful actor

To learn what are success requirements to be a Bollywood or a TV serial actor. Then to meet these success requirements, identify- A. Your strength; B. Your weaknesses; C. Opportunities for you and finally- D. What are the threats for you (Called as SWOT analysis)

3. Based on the above, to make a goal and action plan

4. To get advice on artist coordinators, casting directors, and whether you need to them in the first place!

5. To learn how to overcome the obstacles to achieving your goals based on-

  • To put the Pareto Principle to work for you

(It's a vital 80-20 rule which says that only 20% of your efforts bring  80% of results and NOT vice versa, which unfortunately is currently practiced by  actors)

6. To identify your long term career goals 

To create a 12-month plan, based on the above analysis and your financial resources

7. To research industry related information

  • Production houses-films, TV serials, commercial ad makers
  • Producers
  • Directors

8. To tackle issues of self-confidence

  • Identifying confidence level in you 
  • To know how to boost your confidence
  • Exercises

9. To help you smash obstacles to your goals

Author's note: 
There had been some questions (Objections?) on the title of this post. I'm giving below both, questions and my answers for the benefit of readers:

Question: Have you given this title because you are an acting coach and it benefits you? 

Answer: No, The acting schools in India has their own benefits for aspiring actors. This post is to make actors understand that apart from developing your acting craft by learning techniques, which is successfully done by schools as well, to be an actor is a business and it needs career planning and strategy. An acting school, though good may have time constraint to go into actor's business management or may not have an acting business management consultant.

Question: How aspiring actors can trust you that acting coaches in India and especially you, can train them on all what you have mentioned in your post?

Answer: Apart from an acting coach, short film maker and an actor, for the last 40 years I had been in business management and marketing, working with Multicrores Indian and International Pharma companies. I was also the head of Training Department and I know how vital it is for actors to plan their career and learn to accept acting as a business. Therefore, I had to learn and practice this science and art of Business Management for my survival
Aspiring actors can contact me for free details; +919920991661

9 Simple Steps to Building and Playing a Character

By on 12:00:00 PM
Diverse characters for actors to portray
Diverse characters for actors to portray 

Steps to Play a Difficult Character in Front of a Camera!

1. If I'm the person
Think if you are the character (noble man, crook, lover, teacher etc)

2. Put yourself in a given circumstance
What are the situations in which a character is (Good, bad, in desert, in extreame cold etc)
If I'm in a given circumstance, How will I behave?

3. Visualize
Start imagine being that person

4. Once playing the character, be in it, but remain aloof
This means being in the character, be aware of your existence! It is-important since you will be in front of a camera and crew with so many limitations of movements, voice, gestures, retakes, multiple shots, repetitions, crew and many other spectators etc

5. Relieve tension
Deep breathing and other relaxation exercises (check our post on relaxation)

6. The role must be divided into smaller units with objective of each unit
Or the objective of what a character wants to achieve as a whole and in each unit

7. Accept the character you intend playing truthfully
For example, if you are a bad mother in law, accept it truthfully

8. Make alive your emotional memories for the role
If you have those memories in your life from the past, similar to the character's life. For example, a wedding you attended, death of some dear one, accident, happiest moment etc..

  • If you don't have, then go to step 1 of "IF" I'm that person and "IF" I'm in that circumstance, then how will I behave and what would I experience?

9. Connect with your co-star 
By reacting as if you are listening or seeing for the first time, though you may be knowing coactor's lines or rehearsed with him/her earlier

Updated post of 2013

38 Top Bollywood Directors and Production Houses for Direct Entry

By on 2:30:00 AM
Waiting for MTV Auditions
What a competition! Waiting for MTV Auditions

  • Avoid middle men, coordinators and agents! Save money and Time.
  • Read The Action Plan below and Grab Bollywood Roles

List of Film Directors and Film Production Houses

1. Balaji Telefilms Ltd
C 13, Balaji House, Dalia Industrial Estate, Opposite Laxmi Industrial Estate, New Link Road, Andheri West, Mumbai - 400053
Phone: (022) 40698000

2. Yash Raj Films Pvt Ltd (Corporate Office)
5, Shah Industrial Estate, Beside Fun Republic Cinema, Veera Desai Road, Andheri West, Mumbai - 400053
Phone: (022) 30613500

3. Sanjay Leela Bhansali Films Pvt Ltd
601/B, Swati Mitra Co Operative Housing Society, Jvpd Scheme, Gulmohar Cross Road No 7, Juhu, Mumbai - 400049
Phone: (022) 26235470

4. Madhur Bhandarkar
410, Crystal Paradise The Mall, Jeevan Nagar, Opposite V D Road, Andheri West, Mumbai - 400053
Phone: 9833113570
Devgan Entertainment & Software Ltd
5/6 Sheetal Apartments, Ground Floor, Opposite Chandan Cinema, Juhu Tara Road, Juhu, Mumbai - 400049
Phone: 022) 26200394

5. Subhash Ghai
Mukta House, Film City Complex, Behind Whistling Woods International Institute, Goregaon East, Mumbai - 400065
Phone: (022) 33649400

6. Vinod Chopra Productions Pvt Ltd
Plot No 16/C, A Wing, Bhagtani Krishang 2, Opposite Surya Nursing Home, Dattatray Road, Santacruz West, Mumbai - 400054
Phone: (022) 26615059

7. Satish Kaushik
34, Tranquil Treat, Versova, Yari Road, Andheri West, Mumbai - 400061
Phone: (022) 26741967

8. Pritish Nandy Communications Pvt Ltd
87/88, 8th Floor, Mittal Chambers, Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400021
Phone: (022) 42130000

9. Ashutosh Gowarikar Production Pvt Ltd
378 Prabhat Mansion, 14th Road, Khar West, Mumbai - 400052
Phone: (022) 26049486

10. Abbas Mastan
B 8, Asha Colony, Juhu Tara Road, Juhu, Mumbai - 400049
Phone: (022) 26605918

11. Nimbus Communications Ltd
4th Floor, Nimbus Centre, Oberoi Complex, Off New Link Road, Andheri West, Mumbai - 400053
Phone: (022) 26352000

12. B R Films Production
Plot No G 38, Anand Villa, 15th Road, Santacruz West, Mumbai - 400054
Phone: (022) 26461733

13. Santoshi Productions
4 B Arshee Complex, Opposite Panchsheel Apartment, Off Yari Road, Versova, Mumbai - 400061
Phone: (022) 26336134

14. Kunal Kohli Production House
Amardeep Building, Near Gurudwara, 17th North Road, Santacruz
Phone: (022) 26604494

15. Vikram Bhatt 
36, Shubh Jeevan Society, Juhu Scheme, 9th Cross Gulmohar Road, Juhu, Mumbai - 400049
Phone: (022) 26231196

16. Sooraj R Barjatya
Bhavana, 1st Floor, 422, Veer Savarkar Road, Prabhadevi, Mumbai - 400025
Phone: (022) 24307688

17. Sohail Khan Productions
1,2 Coral Reef Apartment, Near St Andrews Church, 55, Chimbai Road, Bandra West, Mumbai - 400050
Phone: (022) 26405524

17. Anurag Kashyap Films Pvt Ltd
Bungalow  No 40, Aram Nagar Part 2, Seven Bunglow, Andheri West, Mumbai - 400058
Phone: (022) 26302791

18. Eros International Media Ltd (Corporate Office)
901, 902, 9th Floor, Supreme Chambers, Off Veera Desai Road, Andheri West, Mumbai - 400053
Phone: (022) 66021500

19. John Abraham Entertainment Pvt Ltd
31 Green Acre, Ground Floor, Opposite Petit Girls High School, Union Park, Road N0 5, Khar West, Mumbai - 400052
Phone: (022) 26000084

20. Shri Adhikari Brothers Television Network Ltd (For TV)
6th Floor Adhikari Chambers Oberoi Complex, New Link Road, Andheri West, Mumbai - 400053
Phone: (022) 40230000

21. Anurag Basu
704, Renis Apartments, Off Link Road, Opposite Green Hotel Lane, Malad West, Mumbai - 400064
Phone: (022) 28784314

22. Optimystix Entertainment India Pvt Ltd
Bunglow No 21, Svp Nagar, Mhada, Near Versova Telephone Exchange, Janki Devi Public School Road, Four Bunglows-Andheri West, Mumbai - 400053
Phone: (022) 42935000

23. Vishesh Films Pvt Ltd
402, 4th Floor, Durga Chambers, V Patel Road, Khar West, Mumbai - 400052
Phone: (022) 26051047

24. Mahal Pictures Pvt Ltd
Opposite Matushri Sports Club, Near Mahakali, Jogeshwari Vikhroli Link Road, Andheri East, Mumbai - 400093
Phone: (022) 28368045

25. Success Cinecraft Productions
A1 003, Sonam Aakash Building, Golden Nest Phase 8, Mira Bhayander Road, Bhayandar East, Thane - 401105
Phone: (022) 67306138

26. Green Chilly Film Production
902, Ganesh Society, Opposite Ganesh Mandir, Santosh Nagar, Shree Krishna Nagar, Film City Road, Goregaon East, Mumbai - 400063
Phone: (022) 45206603

222/1772,Motilal Nagar No-1, Near Vibgyor School, Road No 6 , Goregaon West, Mumbai - 400104
Phone: (022) 49173214

28. Film Production & Digital Advertising
B-1, Flat No 21, Mahindra Gardens, Near Patkar College, S V Road, Goregaon West, Mumbai - 400062
Phone: (022) 45107912

29. Entertainment Production House
Star City Cinema, Mahim, Mumbai - 400016
Phone: (022) 49184200

30. Sai Films Entertainment  
Unit No 11,Mohid hight, Near MTNL,RTO SINGNAL, Four Banglow Mahada, Andheri West, Mumbai - 400053
Phone: (022) 49171036

31. Dancing Pictures
Flat No 603 Oceanic One 7 Bunglows, Near Nana Nani Park, Andheri West, Mumbai - 400061
Phone: (022) 49175996

32. Green World Media Production
68/ 545, Near Post Office, Motilal Nagar No 1, 10th Road, Goregaon West, Mumbai - 400104
Phone: (022) 45106773

33. Uvi Film Production Pvt Ltd
13, 1st Floor ,Varsha Building, Opposite Movietime Theatre, Off Link Road, Ramchandra Lane Extension, Malad West, Mumbai - 400064
Phone: (022) 61639043

34. Arjun Rao (Also for portfolio)
B-8 , Bari Nagar, Near Vashi Railway Station, Vashi, Navi Mumbai - 400703
Phone: (022) 61426306

35. Namanraj Productions Pvt Ltd
1104, 2/ C, New Mhada Tower, Lokhandwala, Andheri West, Mumbai - 400053
Phone: (022) 61627047

36. Mobius Films
C-61, Wild Wood Park II, Off Yari Road, Versova, Andheri West, Mumbai - 400061
Phone: (022) 40214165

37. Blue Saint Movies
New Mahada 2/C 1304, Lokhandwala Circle Behind Hdcf Andheri West, Andheri West, Mumbai - 400053
Phone: (022) 49181098

38. Red Frog Production
008 Durgadevi Chs, Bangali Compound,Gokuldham, Near Gokuldham Mandir, Akv Marg, Goregaon East, Mumbai - 400063
Phone: (022) 71040849

Note: MTNL phone numbers can be rechecked by calling 1951| 52 | 53

Action Plan for  Direct Entry into Bollywood

1.     Keep sufficient nos of your resume, portfolio and show reel ready
2.     Keep a minimum of 2 days a week to visit these production house/ directors
3.     Try to visit in the afternoon and hang in there till everybody leaves. This will help you make solid contacts with juniors/ Staff who will help you 
4.     Remember, you may not get a satisfactory response on the phone
5.     Do not waste your time and money by sending your details by post 
6.     Learn to tackle a director�s/ production house�s gatekeeper (secretary, assttdirector or any other assistant). The gatekeeper usually is your entry pass to a director so, use your charm/ acting to please her/him
7.     Learn to accept refusal, rejection and an irritated response
8.     Do not give up. Visit repeatedly