No Acting School Can Teach You 9 Success Steps Acting Coach Can

By on 2:23:00 AM
9 steps to success in acting business

1. To Learn how run the business of being an actor

To make you understand that to be an actor is not just a wild dream and a wishful thinking, but a it's a business and like in any other business, you must make profits which means you must make money for your decent living and worldly comforts. 80% of actors fail in life because they do not apply the principles of business management in their acting career

2. To analyze and target your strengths and weaknesses to be a successful actor

To learn what are success requirements to be a Bollywood or a TV serial actor. Then to meet these success requirements, identify- A. Your strength; B. Your weaknesses; C. Opportunities for you and finally- D. What are the threats for you (Called as SWOT analysis)

3. Based on the above, to make a goal and action plan

4. To get advice on artist coordinators, casting directors, and whether you need to them in the first place!

5. To learn how to overcome the obstacles to achieving your goals based on-

  • To put the Pareto Principle to work for you

(It's a vital 80-20 rule which says that only 20% of your efforts bring  80% of results and NOT vice versa, which unfortunately is currently practiced by  actors)

6. To identify your long term career goals 

To create a 12-month plan, based on the above analysis and your financial resources

7. To research industry related information

  • Production houses-films, TV serials, commercial ad makers
  • Producers
  • Directors

8. To tackle issues of self-confidence

  • Identifying confidence level in you 
  • To know how to boost your confidence
  • Exercises

9. To help you smash obstacles to your goals

Author's note: 
There had been some questions (Objections?) on the title of this post. I'm giving below both, questions and my answers for the benefit of readers:

Question: Have you given this title because you are an acting coach and it benefits you? 

Answer: No, The acting schools in India has their own benefits for aspiring actors. This post is to make actors understand that apart from developing your acting craft by learning techniques, which is successfully done by schools as well, to be an actor is a business and it needs career planning and strategy. An acting school, though good may have time constraint to go into actor's business management or may not have an acting business management consultant.

Question: How aspiring actors can trust you that acting coaches in India and especially you, can train them on all what you have mentioned in your post?

Answer: Apart from an acting coach, short film maker and an actor, for the last 40 years I had been in business management and marketing, working with Multicrores Indian and International Pharma companies. I was also the head of Training Department and I know how vital it is for actors to plan their career and learn to accept acting as a business. Therefore, I had to learn and practice this science and art of Business Management for my survival
Aspiring actors can contact me for free details; +919920991661


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