9 Steps to Help You | Don't Depend Only on Acting Ability

By on 9:00:00 PM
Here is a picture of an actor's frustrations of not getting a break
A good actor's frustrations of not getting a break

Do not let anyone fool you.

  • Acting ability alone will not help you much in your acting career if you cannot get the right people to see you.

1. This will help you: For the right people, read the relevant post from this blog on good casting directors or coordinators. Just type "Casting Directors" and then "Arist Coordinators" in the search box at the right sidebar of this blog. The relevant posts will open
  • It will not help you much if you do not understand the difference between auditioning and working as an actor on a film set.

2. This will help you:  Read and follow the relevant posts on camera acting and auditions from this blog. Put query in the search box as mentioned under No 1 help

  • It will not help you much if (preferably), you cannot arrange sufficient money to fund your acting career in such a way so that you do not have to work for someone in order to make ends meet. This will help you to devote 100% of your time and energy in pursuing your dream to be a successful Bollywood actor

3. This will help you: If you cannot fund your living, then the only alternative you have is to take up a part time job, home business opportunities or be a freelance online worker and be patient.

  • It won't help you much if you don't truly understand what are the hurdles an aspiring actors have to face before they see a ray of hope. The enormous commitment, a long drawn struggle and an ability to withstand failures, rejections, frustrations you will need to make in order to just get to making enough money to live off, working only as an actor.

4. This will help you: Build your body and a strong personality by joining a gym and learning Yoga, Relaxation, Exercising, Auto Suggestions and Self-hypnotism. Read relevant posts in this blog. This is possible. Save money by rationalizing expenses on housing, local travel, head shots and on show reel. Use internet and web technology as, much as you can. It is cheap

  • It will not help you much if you do not know the steps to take not just to get your career started, but to build a base for getting auditions and acting work regularly and not just once a while

5. This will help you: Keep your eyes and ears open. Exploit every available audition and casting notice sources such as web, Facebook, Yahoo and LinkedIn groups, regularly contacting your coordinators to name a few

  • It will not help you much if you do not really FEEL with every cell of your mind and body that this is what you really want and there's nothing more that you want. If you don't eat, sleep, drink, talk and walk acting its not gonna work
  • It will not help you much if you do not realize what will drive you forward is your undying passion for this career and not the fame, not the money, not the glory, not the red carpet, but the just your love for acting.
  • It will not help you much if you don't realize that no matter how good of an actor you think you are or how good others tell you you are, it's not gonna work  unless you are professionally trained and continue to learn and update techniques acting till you die!

    6. This will help you: Join a good training school. Preferably, have a coach who wants to help you rather than with an objective to earn only money through you

    • It won't help you much if your whole strategy for becoming an actor is built on "I gotta get a Co coordinator and find auditions.",  This strategy that statistics show has a success rate of almost to less than 3%
    7. This will help you: Exploit all the avenues at one go. Run around to auditions whenever, wherever these are. Make contacts and friends who would inform you of these events
    • Why, in spite of struggling for long periods still not getting acting assignments regularly? It will not help you if you do not identify the reasons and correct your mistakes in your current strategy. 

    8. This will help you: Before you start, does a SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats) analysis of yourself and review your strategies and �Change� if required.

    Girls, this is important for you

    • It won�t help you much if you are shy and reluctant. Bollywood, serials, private feature films or commercials require pretty, tall and bold girls.

    9. This will help you: Be bold. Learn to be embarrassingly close to your Co actor in romantic scenes and be ready to kiss. About fashion, shots or prints learn to undress partially until you become a star. Then you can dictate your terms and refuse to do the objectionable scenes.
    A female actor refusing sex
    Refuse sex

    Updated Post

    *However, this does not mean you should be ready to have a sex. Under no circumstances, you should sell yourself. Be blunt and say a big �NO�
    If you integrate your acting abilities with all the OTHER THINGS as mentioned above, you will for sure become a full-time working actor.
    ( You can contact the author for a free help)


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