10 Acting Tips to Keep You at the Top and Win Bollywood

By on 8:56:00 PM

Bollywood Jackpot
The Bollywood Jackpot of Winning a Role

Secrets Reveled to be Successful in Acting Game and Win Bollywood Lottery

1. To become a better actor you must not only continue learning the craft of acting (which is a lifelong process), but observe celebrity actors known for memorable and award winning performance. Go to the theater, watch films/TV programs that have your favorite actors in. Observe how they execute their craft. What can you learn from them? What are they doing that makes them an outstanding actor?
Warning: Don�t become a viewer getting involved in the story, but observe films as a critic and as a learner

2. Bring as much to the rehearsal (If there is one) as you can including strong character choices, clear character intentions, ideas, and your prep work/research. This will help you hugely when in the rehearsal space and creating the world of the character with your fellow actors.
If there are no rehearsals, then seek some time before a shoot with the director and show him/her.

3. Had lots of failures and are struggling to see how to find the success you desire? Having a mentor (acting coach) can really help you see outside your �pre-conceived idea  box� and find other ways to climb up the acting ladder of success. It doesn�t need to be someone who is a three time Filmfare or Oscar winner, but someone you had experience with and admire. You can seek solutions from such a coach before an audition, fix an appointment, practice and then go for your kill! Having a mentor can do wonders for your confidence and your career.

4. As an actor, drawing upon our life experience is part and parcel of connecting to a role and injecting truth into it. It is ESSENTIAL you live a full life to do this. Take walks in the parks, stations, zoo, visit as many people as possible regularly and observe keenly everything about them. Try new experiences, visit new places, hear different genres of music� Be an imaginative actor and create new lives.

5. Alongside working on honing your craft and audition technique, you also need to work on your mind. This is of utmost importance. Do you understand the limitations your mind places on situations? Do you understand why? How can you overcome this? Once you have cracked this you will free yourself, lose inhibitions and find you begin taking more risks and making clearer choices with your work. If need help on working on mind, your mentor (coach) can be a great guide.

6. Very carefully read your script, perhaps many a times. Analyze the objective, changes and how it achieves the objective. Analyze your �character�. This contains all the clues you will ever need in creating your character. Go through it with a fine tooth comb to pull out all those gems the script writer has loaded it with.

7. As well as having talent and consistently honing your acting craft, you need to have a good, solid list of contacts and continue to build upon this. You can build up your network /contacts by really working on social networking sites like Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.
Attending film festivals, theater groups, workshops, events with industry people will definitely expand your contacts and help to broaden your visibility to casting directors and others who matter to you.

8. If you say you�re an actor, be an actor. Read books on acting to hone your acting craft and fictions which have conflict, suspense and intense emotions. Don�t just read, imagine scenes while reading and be a character in the story.

9. Then discover who you are

10. Do you document your character while analyzing the script and character? This is a great way to stay on top of all the choices you make for your character. Of course, you have to create not one but maybe 2 or 3 choices of creating different profiles of your character. Just grab a A4 size paper, write anything that inspires you in the development of your character, this can include a back story, photos of their street, house etc.


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