Unless You Follow These 4 Tips You Fail in Auditions

By on 6:31:00 PM
Aspiring actors preparing for Bollywood audition
Aspiring actors preparing for Bollywood audition

It�s always your fault for audition failures. So stop making excuses! Follow these 4 tips, give a "Star Performance" and grab your dream role

When you walk into an audition, it�s all about confidence. It�s about owning the room, and believing in yourself, your technique, and your skill. After all, if you don�t believe in yourself, nobody else will.
Confidence is an attractive quality that gets buyers (casting directors, producers, show runners, directors) to trust you so that they can put you on set and you won�t crack under all the pressure. You can be an amazing actor, but if you can�t walk into an audition with confidence, you will lose the role. Remember, your confidence level can play a major role in grabbing or losing the chance

Here are my four tips for developing unshakeable confidence in auditions:

1. How to get rid of the pressure

Outside in the waiting room, sit comfortably, don�t think of the crowd sitting or strolling around. Take a deep breath and relax.
Give auto-suggestion to yourself that you are relaxed and would give the best performance. You are good. And then focus on the script, the character and imagine the scene.

The trick here is to divert your mind immediately towards positive things, before the crowd or the scene in the waiting room makes you tense and nervous.

Remember, this audition is a simply a chance to play. So much of it is out of your hands (type, eye color, hair color, height, etc.). Forget the need to be perfect, allow for mistakes, and remind yourself that there will always be more auditions. Think of this as a fun chance to show your work and give them your take on the character. The casting director is your friend, on your side, and genuinely wants you to be right for the part. Don�t worry about the need to get the role. Thinking this way will free you from unnecessary tension and you will feel and appear more confident.
And your audition will be just great!

2. �Act� as a confident person 

You�re an actor, right? It�s all about perception. Even if you are feeling terribly tense inside out, repeat in your mind �I�m feeling good� and act like someone who is very confident, and you will actually become �Confident�. Some actors walk into the room with body language that says, �I�m sorry, don�t expect much from me�.� 
Act like you are fully in control and have been doing these �auditions� since ages. Take a deep breath, smile (One of the most important �acts� by an actor), walk into the room with purpose, make eye contact, hold your head up, act like you already have this role in your pocket.
Before you start your lines and looking at the auditioners, boost your confidence by saying to yourself, �Ok, ladies and gentlemen, watch this performance�. Just fake it. It puts the casting director at ease, and lets them know that you are in control.

3.  Know your lines, backwards and forwards

Being unprepared is the quickest way to feel nervous and insecure when you walk into a room. Knowing your lines is one of the few things you can control, and will help you feel sure of yourself and confident in your audition. Read the whole script if possible, understand the circumstances of the scene, know the techniques of quick memorization (If you don�t know how to memorize instantly, ask your coach) and learn them so well that you can just focus on the camera and the scene in the audition room. A prepared audition is a confident audition, and allows you to be present without panicking.

4. Wear comfortable clothes that make you feel good 

Unless, you are asked to wear specific clothes, otherwise this is my best tip. Unfortunately a lot of actors forget.
For on-camera auditions, I always feel that actors should wear something that makes them feel good, that fits them well, and that brings out their eyes and face. Wear something that makes you feel comfortable in your own skin, not something you just bought and have never worn before. All actors should have their own audition outfits. When you walk into a room and feel good about yourself, it radiates from you and makes people want to watch you.
After all, the game of audition  is about "Feeling" and "Delivering"


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