2 Reasons for Audition Failure | Bad Promotion of "Self"

By on 7:43:00 AM
Essence of an actor's life
Essence of an actor's life

Faulty Promotion of An Actor's Own Personality (Essence) and How to Correct it

Reason 1

It�s time to talk about your �look,� your �casting,� your �type,� etc. Many of you are marketing yourselves poorly, which creates more opportunity for those actors who are doing it �right.� Many of you have not taken a strategic approach to your look.

  • The most important thing that the auditioners want to see is more than what you look like and that is what your �personality� is. In other words, your look and marketing should be such that casting perceives you clearly.
  • Now here what do we mean by �marketing�? Here in simple terms, it means the moment you enter and start talking, are you projecting those aspects and qualities of your personality which are suited best to the project (Role) you are auditioning?
  • The best way to find out is through friends or through social media like Facebook. Let people describe you. Ask them what they perceive of you?
  • Are you smart, caring, humble, funny, suspicious, indecisive, a good friend, sweet, hot, sick, intelligent, dependable and so on?
  • The great thing is that the more you understand how others perceive you, the more �at choice� you can be about each quality. For example, maybe for a particular scene, being �hilarious� doesn�t fit the story, so you�d want to turn that part of you off. It�s not appropriate for this story, this moment. In this way, you can always add, subtract, or explore new aspects of yourself, suited best for a particular character in audition or just to present the right aspect of your personality to impress upon auditioners. After all, they are keen to know whether you could be a good team member or not.

Reason 2

  • Take your physical appearance, for example. The way we dress and style ourselves can often be random, thoughtless, or even a direct contradiction to our natural essence.  That�s because many of us use or construct our look as a personal statement against or to the world, or to hide, or show off, or as a defensive reaction, or to try to be something we may want to be but just isn�t true to who we are.
  • Like actors styling and marketing themselves like 20-somethings when they�re clearly in their mid-30s or older.
  • Then, there are the unintentional issues. Some of you have colored your hair weird, or it�s a bad cut, or you over-pluck your eyebrows, or never fixed your teeth, or are carrying too much weight for no good reason, or feel great about showing off putting weight on one leg with shaking your head and hands. 
  • Next, when determining what roles you�d play, you�ve got to accept what your age category is.  So, what kinds of roles do men or women in their early 18, 20, 30 or 40s play? Collegian or a typical city boy /girl, Hot and Sexy, Young professionals, Fathers / Mothers, Doctors, Athletes, Workers, Villager, Friends, Neighbors, Boyfriends, Taxi drivers etc.

Definitely, you have a better chance of winning an audition if you consider and develop your Personality Marketing Strategies suited to an audition requirement

Based on 1 and 2


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