Do You Know what is a Bad, Good or a Star Actor?

By on 10:49:00 PM

What's your actor type?

Present Situation

  • Available actors on average (Supply): 5000+
  • Available Requirement 
  • Of Actors in Bollywood (Demand): 100-200
  • Others (Serials, Shorts): 100  
Estimated  by cine uawa2015

Are you a Bad, Good or a Great Actor?

Cinema as a whole is subjective.  Performance can be subjective as well. This means, it depends on how the audience perceives you as �a character� you are portraying, and this may vary from viewer to viewer. The choices are different as clearly seen by thousands of Bollywood fans and their preferences.
Therefore, in my opinion, it would be logical to make an attempt to categorize actors from an audience point of view as the bad, the good and the great or a �Star�. We will leave the ugly for another time

What Makes an Aspiring Actor a �Bad� Actor?

It�s easy to define a bad acting from an audience�s point of view � if they don�t feel sold on the performance.

Test yourself

  • Horrible acting can be experienced by asking your non-actor friends to read some random dialogue in a scene with any emotion.  They might have some natural ability, but even then, it's probably not going to be natural and good. 
  • Now compare this by observing and listening to people talking naturally... Try eavesdropping on a conversation in a restaurant.  In the first instance, your non-actor friends, when delivering dialogs are going to sound like they're reading, not talking on their own.  There's no emotion.  They might try to raise and lower their voices at certain parts, or maybe even mimic voices. But it won't sound anywhere as believable as observed in a normal restaurant conversation.

As such, some of the main factors behind bad acting include:

  1. Just blurting your lines in front of a camera or on stage. Talking like the words have been pre-planned
  2. Stiff movements
  3. No coordination with surroundings or co-actors in a scene. Acting as if there is nobody else in the room in front of a camera or stage
  4. Not reacting naturally to external stimuli (words, movements, emotional sequences etc.)

Reasons for being a bad actor

1. Poor or no Professional Training
2. The power of observation, imagination and concentration not developed
3. Script and character analysis not done
4. Inability to bring a character into yourself
5. On a set, inability to instantly switch �on� to a character in yourself and switch �off� from a character to be �into� technical environment of camera, lights, sound, movement and camera limitations and  other instructions
5. Trying hard to �act� a role leading to a fake performance
6. Remaining tense
7. Inferiority complex- like �others are better�, �my Hindi and diction is not good�, �I�m not good looking�� or in contrast- overconfidence, egoistic and stubborn
8. Poor confidence

To summarize- Bad actors are � simply put � bad liars.

A Good Actor

  • They may be good liars or not. But a good actor believes in his character.
  • A lie is never as effective as when the liar believes it to be true to themselves. As such, good actor is one that, when delivering a performance, does not feel like they are delivering a performance. Instead, they go about reading their lines not because they are commanded to them via a script, but because that�s what the real person �the character� (who they�re effectively portrayed while on set) would be compelled to say in the situation.
  • Any actor who can put themselves in this mindset in order to hit this level of naturalism � both with their movement and speech � can be considered a good actor, and if the audience sees you as character X as opposed to �Actor Y who happens to be playing character X�, it�s a job well done.

Reasons for being a good actor

1. They design a their role from the script from moment to moment basis
2. Find out what is common between them and the character
3. Over-learn their lines to the point that they are �automatic�. They come on a set �prepared� and the fear factor decreases
4. How they can �fake� well?
A/ Identify changes in a script (story) or dynamics of a scene B/ how their character changes his/ her rhythm of speech, voice, movements to meet changes required to meet the objectives of a scene or script. They prepare and practice, then just shoot out the moment a director says �Action!�, not bothering about the outcome. A retake can always be taken

But What Makes a Bollywood Star Actor?

1. A great actor has his audience believing in his character. Being natural is one thing. Being captivating is another thing entirely where the audience moves with you-laughs, cries, angry, pity, lovesa nail-biting audience!  In other words, a star can move an audience

2. Another distinction is that a great actor can become so invested in their role, so utterly entangled with the character they�re playing, that there is no distinction between �acting� and �being� when it comes to �action� in front of a camera or a theater show time. For some, this involves a lot of research work and a heavy devotion to �method acting�.

3. They know how to listen. It's fascinating to watch stars in a scene when they're not speaking.

4. They are charismatic (exhibiting a compelling charm which inspires devotion in others). How? -Being nice, empathetic, smiling, doing good to others, disciplined, role model, patience

5. Never terrified

6. Exhibit authority. How? By their commitment, sincerity, excellence in work, devotion and ability to pull an audience and consequently, box office revenues.

7. They do with authority, even wrong in a shot or outside

8. They are excellent in public relations, marketing and promotions

9. They take care of their acting instrument (body and mind) and their general health as a top-priority

10. They set their life goals and work relentlessly to achieve them

11. Finally, a star is vulnerable. 

Great actors share the parts of themselves that most people keep hidden. They are always naked. (Some are literally naked, but I'm talking about emotional nakedness.)  Bad actors are guarded. They don't want to share the parts of themselves that are ugly, mean, petty, jealous, etc.
There are so many examples of stars being naked on stage and screen. Not bothered about their screen image. Amitabh Bachchan, Aamir Khan or Shah Rukh to name a few of them.

Let me give you an example of a top female star:

She plays a middle-aged schoolteacher who is in danger of growing old and dying alone. There's a heartbreaking scene in which she begs a man to marry her. She goes down on her knees in front of him. She gives up every scrap of dignity inside her and lets the scared, hurting parts of herself burst out.
These are the same scared, hurt parts that are inside all of us�the parts we work hard to hide. Hiding them (by holding them in) takes a toll on us, and one of the greatest gifts actors can give is to sacrifice their dignity for us. They expose themselves so we don't have to. It�s  like somebody else is dying for our sins.


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